Climb Mountain to Observatory
This guide shows how to complete the “Climb Mountain to Observatory” objective in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor game, which released on 28th April 2023. The quest starts as you reach Fogged Expanse during Confront Dagan at Koboh Observatory objective. The video walkthrough is also posted below.
Fogged Expanse
From the meditation point, proceed ahead and when you reach the fork on the path, take the path going right as shown in the second picture below.

Proceed in the linear path until you reach the location shown in the pictures below. Grapple on the wall ahead and run on the walls to reach the other side.

Open the door on the other side and continue ahead until you reach the location shown in the picture below. Grab the vines on the roof and move forward to reach the other side.

Then turn right and push the board as shown in the picture below. Run on the board and grapple the surface ahead to reach there. Use the zipline there to reach the other side. Go up the slope there to reach the wreckage site as shown in the second picture below.

Defeat the enemies at the wreckage site. Then climb up to the wreckage location as shown in the picture below. Squeeze inside the wreckage and make your way to the cockpit. When the wreckage starts falling, grapple your way down. Here BD1 will learn Electro Dart ability.

Now hit the electrical source with Electro Dart as shown in the picture below, this will make the board align properly. Now run on the boards to reach the other side.

Use the electro dart again to align another board. Then run on it to reach the meditation point as shown in the picture below.

From the meditation point, take the path going left and climb up the wall ahead. Enter the structure there. Then climb up the wall on the right side and jump to the other structure straight ahead. Push open the door there as shown in the picture below. Then jump to the platform ahead. Use Electro Dart on the electrical source as shown in the second picture below. This will make a board move as shown in the third picture below. Run on the moving board to reach the other side.

Proceed ahead and use the grapple to cross the gap to reach the location shown in the picture below. Then turn left and use the grapple to climb up.

Proceed ahead and enter the cave. Use Electro Dart there to drop a board. Then run on the boards to reach the other side. Now turn around and run on another board to cross the gap ahead. Then climb up the stairs to reach the location shown in the picture below. Use the zipline thee to reach the other side.

Proceed ahead and use grapple and wall run to reach Imperial Post 8L-055 meditation point as shown in the picture below. Then enter the building as shown in the second picture below. This completes the objective. Confront Dagan at Koboh Observatory objective restarts here.