This guide shows the location of all Collectibles (Bots & Puzzle Pieces) in the Crash Site area in the Astro Bot game, released on 6th September 2024.
Main Area (2 Bots & 7 Puzzle Pieces)
Puzzle Pieces #1
Head to the robot dog trapped under a rock near the PS5 and use the Bots to help lift the rock to reveal the first Puzzle Piece.

Puzzle Pieces #2
Find the large rock behind the white elephant structure on the left side. Use the Bots to lift the rock to uncover the Puzzle Piece.

Puzzle Pieces #3
Proceed left from the previous collectible to find the bowling pins. Knock them down to obtain the Puzzle Piece.

Puzzle Pieces #4-5
Head to the stone platform behind the bowling pins, where you’ll find two Puzzle Pieces. Use a rope of Bots to swing across and reach the pillar.
Note: You might miss the Puzzle Piece being carried away by the bird. Try to catch it after you’ve collected Puzzle Piece #7.

Puzzle Pieces #6
Go to the area behind the PS5 where a puzzle piece is on a pillar. Use the Bots to move the rock, then form a rope of Bots to swing across and reach the pillar.

Puzzle Pieces #7
Head to the left of the PS5 and you’ll see a puzzle piece on a pillar.

Note: You can catch puzzle piece #4 from the top of the pillar if you have missed it earlier.

Jungle Area (10 Bots & 1 Puzzle Piece)
Bot #1-4
There are four Bots trapped inside the prison. Use other Bots to rescue them.

Bot #5
Head to the left and hit the tree to drop the Bot.

Bot #6
From your previous location, head to the right side to find a Bot hanging on the mountain wall, just before you reach the cliff.

Puzzle Pieces #1
Near the previous collectible, use all the Bots to pull the giant wire and raise a platform to reach the Puzzle Piece located behind the wall.

Bot #7
Use the Bot to reach the platform in the center of the area. Once on top of the platform, break the crate to obtain the Bot.

Bot #8
Look to your left to find a bot on top of the another platform.

Bot #9
Drop down to your left and create a rope to slide down. Enter the cave to find the Bot.

Bot #10
Go to the flat stone with the two monkeys and use the Bots to lift it. Then, create a rope with the Bots to climb up. At the top, break the crate to retrieve the Bot.

Desert Area (10 Bots & 1 Puzzle Piece)
Bot #1
After reaching the area, follow the left wall to find the Bot on top of a turtle in the middle of the water.

Puzzle Piece #1
Overturn the giant turtle to get the Puzzle Piece.

Bot #2
Turn the wooden mechanism near the giant turtle to drop a crate below the cliff on the left. Open the crate to retrieve the Bot.

Bot #3
After collecting the previous bot, look straight to find the bot will be hugging the wall.

Bot #4-7
Climb up to the main area to find 4 bots inside a cage. drop the cage from the cliff to rescue the bots.

Bot #8
Next bot is hugging the wall on the left side from the cage.

Bot #9
Climb the platform near the previous Bot and use the Bots to create a path to the next platform, as shown in the image. Break through the floor to reach the Bot.

Bot #10
Pull the wire near the main gate to reveal a water spout. Jump into it to reach the crate above the gate.

Safari Park (2 Bots)
Bot #1
Once you arrive in the area, head to the ice section of Safari Park to find the Bot. The location is marked on the map.

Bot #2
Head to the right and grab the rope attached to the bird. It will take you to the top of the tree to collect the bot.

Snow Area (10 Bots & 1 Puzzle Piece)
Bot #1
Go left upon reaching the area to find the Bot on the wall near a metal bird enemy.

Bot #2
Follow the left wall to find another bot near a metal bird enemy.

Bot #3
Use the trampoline to jump up the pillar, then head to the platform across the river to find the Bot hanging from a tree.

Bot #4-7
Destroy the giant ice block located on the right side of the entrance.

Puzzle Piece #1
Use the trampoline beneath the giant ice block to reach the platform above with the Puzzle Piece.

Bot #8
Use the Bot marker near the Puzzle Piece to build a big bridge to the platform, just like in the picture. Cross to the other side to find the Bot inside the crate.

Bot #9
Head to the giant ice wall on the right side of the entrance. Pull the large wire to break through the wall.

Then, build a wall of Bots to climb up to the platforms above and rescue the Bot.

Bot #10
Use the Bots to lift the giant ice circle near the entrance. Climb to the top and break the crate to get the Bot.

Temple Area (10 Bots & 1 Puzzle Piece)
Bot #1
Head to the left of the entrance, where you’ll find the Bot surrounded by enemies.

Bot #3
The Bot is located on top of the middle pillar on the right side.

Bot #3
Head to the back right corner of the area, and you’ll find a Bot standing on top of a pyramid.

Bot #4-7
Go to the Bot marker near the giant platform with the ladder. Use the Bot to push the platform, then climb the ladder and defeat the enemies on top to rescue the Bots.

Bot #8
Go to the bot marker in the middle of the pyramids and press the bot marker to summon a pyramid with a bot.

Bot #9
Go to the Bot marker near the pyramids (behind) and break through the tarp to enter the cave. You’ll find a Bot on the other side of the lava.

Bot #10
Head to the right of the entrance and pull the blue wire to break the wall. Then, jump across the pillars to reach the crate with the Bot inside.

Puzzle Piece #1
Head to the Bot marker on the right side of the entrance and climb up the platform. Follow the path to reach the top of the entrance, then break through the tarp to find the Puzzle Piece.

Great Master Challenge (The Golden Bot Trophy)
After gathering all 300 Bots and collecting every Puzzle Piece, the golden puzzle will appear at the back of the main hub area. Go to this spot and use all 300 Bots to create a climbable wall. Climb up to access the final level and complete it to earn the Golden Bot.