Basically Ball-Shaped Teyvat Product is the goal for Day 2 in the Graph Adversarial Technology Experiment Log Event from Genshin Impact 4.2. This article will guide you in taking photos of the “Basically Ball-Shaped Teyvat Product“.

To complete this task, travelers need to take pictures of ball-shaped products. These ball-shaped items can be found in various locations across Teyvat. One particularly convenient spot to locate them is just east of Mondstadt where you can gather 5 Pinecones, 3 Apples, and 4 Valberries.

To take a picture go to your gadget sections and equip an Image Sampling Kamera.

Here is a list of other items with Ball-Shaped structures:
- Apple
- Sunsettia
- Berry
- Wolfhook
- Bird Egg
- Mist Flower Corolla
- Harra Fruit