This guide shows the location of all Collectibles (Bots, Puzzle Pieces & Secret Exit) in the Djinny of the Lamp area in the Astro Bot game, released on 6th September 2024.
Puzzle 1
As you fly into the level, you’ll see the first puzzle piece being carried by a tornado. Go faster to grab the puzzle piece.

Bot 1
The first bot is located at the beginning of the level. Follow the main path and go to the tower on the right. A monkey will pull out a rope from a pot. Climb up the tower and defeat the enemies to rescue the bot.

Bot 2
The second bot is on top of the first hut on the left side.

Puzzle 2
After finding the last bot, follow the clothesline to the roof on the right. Then go to the ladder, like in the picture below. Climb the ladder to grab the puzzle piece.

Bot 3
Jump down from the previous location of the bot to find the bot #4.

Bot 4 (Cat)
Keep going forward in the level until you find a lamp. Rub the lamp to make the Jinny appear and start a tornado. Inside the tornado player can find the bot hanging from the tail of a plane.

Bot 5
Move forward to get the Rocket Dog power, then jump through the breakable glass to enter a room. Look to the right to find some teapots.

Destroy the teapots, then break the wall with dog symbols behind them to find the bot.

Bot 6
Keep going through the tornado to find a bot holding onto a tree.

Puzzle 3
Keep going and cross the spinning platform. Break the pots to find the puzzle piece hidden in one of them.

Bot 7 (Raven)
The next bot is on the backside of the big fan blade platform. Go around to the other side of the fan, then jump onto the platform connected to the fan blades to reach the bot.

Lost Galaxy High-Suction Hero
After defeating the Djinny, don’t finish the level right away. Instead, go to the right side and climb to the top of the platform. Break the pot to make invisible platforms appear.

Jump across the dark squares on the ground to reach the platform on the right and find a carpet. Hit the carpet to ride it to the Lost Galaxy entrance.