This walkthrough will guide you through everything you need to know on how to solve the request “Double the Tails, Double the Fun” in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. An NPC will ask you to find a Pokemon with two tail fins. To unlock this request, you will need to have access to Basculegion to surf a Pokemon.
Also Read: Pokemon Legends Arceus: Request List & Walkthrough
How to Unlock Basculegion
Basculegion is unlocked in the third area of your journey across Hisui: Cobalt Coastlands. Iscan (NPC) tells you that you need to catch a Dusclops, to make Basculegion’s favorite food and earn its trust. You can catch Dusclops near Deadwood Haunt. Once you catch it, bring it back to Iscan and he will help you to cook the right food for Basculegion. A cutscene will then play in which Basculegion decides you’re a worthy rider, at which point you’ll gain access to Legends: Arceus
How to Unlock – Double the Tails, Double the Fun

You can get the request no. 50 – Double the Tails, Double the Fun from an NPC in Jubilife City to start the request. Talk to Netta (NPC), she has spotted a Pokemon with two tail fins and would like to see it once more. The Pokémon she is looking for is Finneon Pokemon with two tail fins.
Where to Find Finneon Pokemon Legends Arceus
Finneon is a Water-type Pokemon. You can find a Finneon while swimming over by Seagrass Havens in Cobalt Coastlands. I have marked the location on the map. This is the only where you can discover Finneon in Pokémon Legends

After catching it, return to Jubilife Village and show Finneon to Netta to complete the request and collect your reward.