This walkthrough will guide you through everything you need to know on how to solve and get the safe code in the sidequest “The First Biomarker” in Dying Light 2. The riddle is a series of three small riddles found in the note from Dr. Katsumi that reveals the safe code. You then need to enter this code to unlock a safe containing the First Biomarker.
Also Read: Dying Light 2 – Guide and Walkthrough
Dying Light 2 The First Biomarker: Safe Code Solution
Aiden can pick the sidequest “The First Biomarker” from in the Trinity territory. Speak to the McGregor (NPC) standing outside the Trading Post on the western side of the region.

McGregor will tell that biomarkers were his idea and his design and the original biomarker prototype are much better than Aiden’s current model. Dr. Katsumi Kobayashi who is McGregor’s boss took the prototype away and locked it in a safe in a nearby building. He will also give you a set of three riddles to solve in order to work out the solution to the safe.
After accepting the sidequest head to the marker location on your map. Enter the building using the northern wall of the hospital. You will find ledges and a ladder to climb up as shown in the image below. of the Open up your Collectables tab on the menu screen and read A Note from Dr. Katsumi containing a riddle Artifact Collectable.

Dr. Katsumi Safe Code Puzzle
Dr. Katsumi’s note is shown in the picture below.

The riddles are:
#1: What becomes smaller when you turn it upside down?
Solution: 9
#2: The second… is an odd number. Take away a letter and it becomes… even. What is it?
Solution: 7
#3: A little girl goes to the store and buys one dozen eggs. As she is going home, all but three eggs break. How many eggs are left unbroken?
Solution: 3
So, the safe code you need to complete The First Biomarker quest is 973.