Electro Regisvine Location and Teleport Waypoint | Genshin Impact 3.0 Sumeru

This guide shows how to reach the Electro Regisvine Boss and how to unlock the teleport waypoint near it in the Sumeru region of Genshin Impact 3.0. Sumeru region was introduced in the Genshin Impact 3.0 update, which was released on 24th August 2022.

How to reach Electro Regisvine

Go to the statue of the seven on the northeast side of Sumeru City as shown in the pictures below.

From there, take the path going northeast as shown in the picture below.

Keep following this path until you come across an Electro Abyss Mage. At this location, take the path going right as shown in the picture below, and enter the cave.

Keep following the linear path and it will lead you to Electro Regisvine. From Electro Regisvine’s location, climb up the rocks on its north side as shown in the pictures below, and proceed ahead to reach the teleport waypoint. Activate the teleport waypoint and then you will be able to fast travel to the boss’s lair.

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