This article will guide the player on how to solve the Felcycle Mount Puzzle for the third of the 12 O’Clock Orb in WOW: The War Within.
Get Starry-Eyed Goggles
Enter the Astral Room to the left of the door with the large red button using the Key of Shadows.

Inside this room, head over to the bookshelf, where you’ll notice a small water bowl. Open your professions menu, select the fishing option, and cast your line into the water bowl to fish out an Astral Key from the bowl.

In the same room, use the Astral Key to unlock the Astral chest to obtain Story-Eyed Goggles.

Astral Room Console Code- 88224646
Equip the Story-Eyed Goggles to activate their buff, and you’ll notice a machine in the same room called the Decryption Console. Interacting with it will display a series of numbers on your Hotbar. Enter the code 8 8 2 2 4 6 4 6 into the console and click “Submit.” This will unlock the Property of Elder Ko’nani on the left.

Open Property of Elder Ko’nani to obtain a Piece of Hate.

Fountain Room Console Code- 10638
Just outside the Astral Room and the Big Red Button Room, you’ll find a machine positioned near the wall. Enter the code 10638 and click “Submit.” This will unlock the chest on the floor to obtain a Piece of Hate.

Red Button Room Code
Head into the room with the red button. Interact with the Decryption Console and enter the code 17 1 1 2 3 1 7. This will unlock and open the Encrypted Puzzle Box located on the table.

Serpent Statue
Interact with the Ghost Encryption Console near the Serpent Statue just below the stairs leading to the main room. Enter the code 5 6 6 1 to unlock it.

Rubenstein Skeleton
Go upstairs and you’ll find a skeleton named Rubystei. Interact with the console near the skeleton and enter the code 5 22 33.

Opposite Felcycle Room
To the right of the previous machine, you’ll find another one to interact with. Enter 51567 to obtain the Piece of Hate.

Vault Door
In the Fellcycle Room, go to the vault door and look at the corner to find a machine. Enter 115.

Entrance Staircase
Go to the bottom of the spiral staircase at the entrance of the dungeon and enter 1 9 0 1 9 code in the machine.

Get Lucy Items
Go near the portal to Azj-Kahet in Dornogal and get two lucky items from NPC Grlftah.
Buy: Lucky Dragon’s Claw & Lucky Tortollan Charm

For Alliance players, head to Stormwind in Old Town. In the center of the area, you’ll find an NPC named Lenny “Fingers” McCoy.
Buy: Old Lucky Coin

Go to Dragon Isle > Ohn’ahran Plain > Timberstep Outpost.
Speak with NPC at the Blacksmith Forge and buy Lucky Horseshoe.

Head back to the Felcycle Room once you have the lucky items in your inventory. Interact with any of the machines to enter the code. Code will vary depending on the player—some use three 7s, others eight 7s, etc.

Keep trying different combinations of sevens until you get a Piece of Hate. Once you have the lucky items, you’ll eventually get a Piece of Hate from them, and all the machines will despawn. This will solve the third orb puzzle.