This article will guide you on completing the objective “Find the Entity Hiding in the Mines” for the quest “A Flame in the Dark” in the game Banishers Ghosts of New Eden.
Also Read: Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden Walkthrough and Guide
As the player explores the mines in search of an entity hiding in the mines, they will come upon a room full of giant chains. Here players have to switch to Antea to locate the weak links in the chains, and then break them.
Break the Chains (1/4)
The first weak link is pretty easy to spot. Approach the chains, switch to Antea, and look to the left to locate the spot. Shoot it to break the chain.

Break the Chains (2/4)
To the right of this area, there’s a small hut. The second weak link is situated to the left of this hut, concealed behind some wooden structures.

Break the Chains (3/4)
Climb the ledge near the previous weak point in the chain and enter the wooden structure. Break barrels and boxes to reveal a breakable wooden wall.

Break the wall and enter inside the structure. Look upwards to find an opening in the roof that we can clear using Antea’s Outburst ability. Then shoot the weak link in the chain.

Break the Chains (4/4)
Start by pushing the lone minecart up the slope until you reach a rotating section of the track.

Use the nearby lever to rotate the minecart, then push it along the new track until it reaches the end.

Use the minecart to climb onto the ledge above it. Proceed to the end. Switch to Antea to find a Spectral Web and remove it to activate the mechanism.

Go back to the ground and head to the area beneath the mechanism we just unlocked. Pull the lever here to open the gate.

Once inside, push the minecart onto the rotating platform. Rotate it and position the cart beneath the ledge.

Climb up onto the ledge, pass through the narrow gap, and proceed to the left until you find a post. Interact with the post to drop a rope below.

Descend down the rope, push the minecart back onto its initial track, and then push it all the way to the end onto an elevator.

Climb back up the rope. Follow the tunnel to the right to reach the elevator.

Interact with the lever here to bring the minecart up.

Push the mining cart down the track to a raised bridge.

Jump down to the ledge on the right and shoot the weak portion to lower the bridge.

Move the mining cart across the bridge and place it beneath a ledge. Climb up the ledge, switch to Antea, and you’ll see a weak link in the chain. Shoot it.

After breaking the chains, defeat a bunch of spirits. Climb the rope within the chamber to reach the upper floor.

Examine the documents on the tables to learn about the truth.

Descend to the lower floor and speak with Sebastian. After the conversation, Sebastian disappears, revealing the passage beyond him.

Follow Sebastian and descend to the chamber below. Start following the left wall until you come across a narrow opening.

Enter through the narrow gap and go along the right-side path. Finally, use Antea’s Outburst to remove the stone barrier.

Follow the path to a big area with wooden platforms surrounding the mine wall. Head to the right and check down the ledge for a weak link in the chain. Shoot it to remove the chain and new path.

Continue along the main path until you reach a lift. Use Antea to leap to the other side.

Follow the main path, then jump across the suspended wooden platform. Next, descend the wooden steps to a lower level of wooden platforms with a raised bridge.

Head to the right side of the raised bridge and follow the wall to the other side. Finally, clear the breakable wall using Outburst. When you approach the end, look down for the weak link in the chain below and shoot it.

Now cross the bridge to continue on the main path. At the end, climb the wooden platform to enter a wider space.

After the cutscene, follow the path to the right and out of the chamber. Look down the pit to find another weak link in the chain.

Next, defeat a giant enemy in the next room. Then utilize the lift to descend.

Follow the path down the slope, and break another weak link in the chain.
Pass through the narrow gap and inspect the tunnel blocked by chains. The chains will disappear.

Proceed along the tunnel, then drop to a big open space to start the boss fight.