Flopping by the Water Request: New Pokemon Snap (How to Guide)

Professor Mirror will give you requests to do the ‘Flopping by the Water’ request. The request is to take a picture of Pidgeot attacking & grabbing Magikarp near Lake.

Flopping by the Water: Magikarp 4 Star Pose Request

  • Load into Florio Nature Park (Day) and head towards the lake. 
  • You will see a Pidgeot fly down and sit onto the path in front of you.
  • As you approach near, it flies up onto the ridge to the left.
  • Throw fluffruits on Pidgeot. As you hit Pidgeot with fluffruits, it will fly to the top of the trees.
  • Now, when you reach near to the Magikarp flopping around on the right, throw fluffruits near it and the Pidgeot will grab it. Take a picture of Magikarp as Pidgeot grabs it. 

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