This guide shows the location of all the collectibles (1 Spartan Cores, 2 UNSC Audio Log, 2 Banished Audio Log) in Forge of Teash in the Halo Infinite campaign.
Also Read: Halo Infinite Collectibles Guide
1) UNSC Audio Log 1/2
It is on the mountains southeast of Forge of Teash at the location shown in the pictures below.

2) Banished Audio Log 1/2
This one is inside the building highlighted in the pictures below. Go inside and you will find the audio log leaning against a pillar in front of the entrance.

3) Spartan Core 1/1
After collecting the previous audio log, take the ramp up to get the Spartan Core.

4) Banished Audio Log 2/2
This one is inside the building highlighted in the pictures below. It is near the building where you got the previous collectible. Go inside and you will find the audio log right in front of you, leaning against a crate.

5) UNSC Audio Log 2/2
Climb the mountain at the location marked on the map below. On the mountain wall, you will find a small cave as shown in the second picture below. Go inside the cave to get the audio log.