How to complete the Forward Force Puzzle
This guide shows how to complete the Forward Force Puzzle in the Tukarok Shrine in the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, released on 12th May 2023. The Tukarok Shrine is at the location shown in the picture below.

Enter the shrine and go straight ahead. Then climb down the ladder at the end. There you will find a sphere. Use the Ultrahand ability to place the sphere on the cart as shown in the picture below. Climb up the cart and hit the wheel. This will make the cart move and carry the sphere across the lava.

Hop off the cart. Then lift the sphere and place it on the tilted platform. Now attach a wheel to the platform. Then attach a plank to the wheel to form the arrangement as shown in the picture below. Now shoot the wheel to make the arrangement move up to the top. Then climb the ladder ahead to reach there.

Use the Ultrahand ability to lift the sphere and take it to the next area. Here you will find a chest under the water as shown in the picture below. Use the Ultrahand ability to move the chest up. Then open it to get a Strong Zonaite Sword.

Place the sphere on the raft. Then attach two planks on the two wheels of the raft to form the arrangement as shown in the picture below. Now climb up the raft and hit the wheel to make the raft move forward and carry the sphere across the water.

Hop off the raft on the other side. Then pick up the sphere and place it on the pressure plate as shown in the picture below to open the iron gate ahead.

Go across the gate. Then pick up the sphere and place it into the hole in the ground as shown in the picture below. This will open the iron gate in front of it. Go through the gate and interact with the symbol there to complete the shrine.