Every Golden Spatula in SpongeBob SquarePants The Cosmic Shake

This article will guide you on where to find all Golden Spatula in the game SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake, which is released on 31 January 2023. If you can’t find or are struggling to collect any of the Golden Spatulas, you’ve come to the right place!

1) Bikini Bottom

Golden Spatulas is not available at the beginning of the chapter. You need to complete the “Pirate Goo Lagoon” world before you can grab this Golden Spatulas.

Golden Spatula can be found on a platform above Kassandra’s shop. This is available only after Kassandra moves opposite the Pirate Goo Lagoon portal. Kassandra comes to Bikini Bottom only after you have completed Pirate Goo Lagoon and talked to Mr. Krabs.

2) Wild West Jellyfish Fields

Checkpoint: Riding School
When facing the farm, turn to your right to locate the golden spatula on a platform with three tiki heads stacked on top. Refer to the below image to find the exact location.

To get there, climb up the wooden platform on the side of the mountain wall.

3) Karate Downtown Bikini Bottom

Checkpoint: Back Alley

Golden Spatulas is available after learning karate kick inside the blue truck. At this point, your main objective is to parkour across the roofs.

4) Pirate Goo Lagoon

Checkpoint: Musical Mermaid
It is on top of the giant rock near the broken ship with the mermaid (Where you make the music) as shown in the picture below.

5) Halloween Rock Bottom

Checkpoint: Shadow Theater
Turn left from the checkpoint and you will see the golden spatula as shown in the picture below. Glide to the platform next to it and then grapple to the golden spatula.

6) Prehistoric Kelp Forest

Checkpoint: Algae Jungle
You’ll arrive at a lava-filled region shortly after the level begins. To cross the lava, you must use jumping pads. The golden spatula floats on top of a jumping pad, which you may access by gliding to it.

7) Medieval Sulfur Fields

Checkpoint: Meanderson River
Cross the river to the left and pass through the truck. Climb up the side platforms to reach the Golden Spatula.

8) Jelly Glove World

Checkpoint: Tunnel of Glove
Check the right side for a painting between two hearts. Destroy the painting to find the Golden Spatula behind it on top of a stack of tikis.

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