Hand Over Seluvis’s Potion: All Choices & Outcomes | Elden Ring

  • Post published:February 28, 2022
  • Post category:Elden Ring

During Seluvis’s questline, you will get the option to hand over Seluvis’s Potion to Sir Gideon Ofnir. This guide shows all the choices and outcomes of the quest. Click here to see the complete walkthrough of Seluvis’s questline.

Hand Over Seluvis’s Potion (All Choices & Outcomes)

After taking to Nepheli for the first time, go and talk to Sir Gideon Ofnir again. Talk to him about Nepheli and then show him Seluvis’s Potion.

After seeing Seluvis’s Potion, he will tell you that Seluvis is a perverted “Dolly Botherer”. Here you will get the option to hand over the potion to him. Below, I will show all the choices and outcomes.

Choice 1: Don’t Hand Over Seluvis’s Potion

Find Nepheli in one of the 4 possible locations she could be in based on how far you have progressed in the story. Talk to Nepheli and you will get the option to leave without giving her the potion. If you choose to leave, then the quest won’t progress further. You will need to either hand over the potion to Sir Gideon Ofnir or give it to Nepheli. If you give the potion to Nepheli, she will drink it and become motionless.

Go and report back to Seluvi. He will be happy and agree to teach you sorcery.

Choice 2: Hand Over Seluvis’s Potion

When you hand over the potion to Sir Gideon Ofnir, he will tell you to go and lie to Seluvis that you gave the potion to Nepheli. He will also tell you that Seluvis won’t suspect anything. Now, go and report back to Seluvi. He will be happy and agree to teach you sorcery. So basically, the outcome will be the same, except for Nepheli’s fate. Nepheli will go on to become Limgrave’s ruler. Click here for the complete walkthrough of Nepheli’s questline.

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