This guide shows the location of all the collectibles (1 UNSC Audio Log, 2 Banished Audio Log) in the House of Reckoning mission in the Halo Infinite campaign. If you miss a mission collectible and complete the mission, then you won’t be able to get the collectible without restarting the campaign.
Also Read: Halo Infinite Collectibles Guide

1) UNSC Audio Log 1/1
Soon after the start of the area, you will reach the UNSC battle training room with a mock UNSC battleground at the center as shown in the picture below. On the right side of the room, you will find the audio log kept on a table near the ramp as shown in the pictures below.

2) Banished Audio Log 1/2
You will get it before Jega ‘Rdomnai Boss Fight. Proceed in the mission till you come to a room with Escharum’s hologram. Take the elevator after the Escharum’s hologram to reach the big hall for the advanced training as shown in the picture below. Here you will see a table with an Assault Rifle hologram above it. The audio log will be leaning against this table as shown in the third picture below.

3) Banished Audio Log 2/2
You will get it in the final section of the area after Escharum Boss Fight. Go to the room behind the Pilot Holding’s Cell, then turn left to find the audio log leaning against a wall as shown in the picture below.