This walkthrough will guide you through everything you need to know to evolve Scyther into Kleavor in Pokemon Legends Arceus. Scyther can be evolved into Kleavor if you give it a Black Augurite.
Also Read: Pokemon Legends Arceus: Request List & Walkthrough
Where to Find Scyther in Pokemon Legends Arceus
You can find a Scyther in the Grandtree Arena area of the Obsidian Fieldlands, or in the Primeval Grotto of Coronet Highlands. I have marked the location of Grandtree Arena on the below map. Look for Scyther up on the hills and in the wood. You can either sneak up and catch Scyther using a heavy ball or battle with it.

Obtain Black Augurite Stone
To obtain Black Augurite, you’ll need to have Ursaluna. Ursaluna is a great Pokemon to have as you can ride on it around the overworld and also use it to sniff out secrets from underground.
Also Read: How to evolve Ursaluna
Black Augurite Stone can be obtained using the below methods.
#1: Black Augurite Stone item will be a random drop from wild Scythers after catching/defeating.
#2: Use Ursaluna to sniff out Augurite Stone items in Scarlet Bog Area. I have marked the location on map below.
#3: This item can also drop within Space-Time Distortions.

Evolving Scyther into Kleavor
Once you have the evolution item, put Scyther in your Party, click on the stone > “Use” and then select the Scyther to evolve into Kleavor. There’s no level restriction for this evolution, so you can start evolving whenever you’re ready.