Looking to add the Love Witch’s Sweeper mount to your collection in World of Warcraft: The War Within. This article will guide you on How to get Love Witch’s Sweeper Mount during Love is in the Air Event Guide in WOW: The War Within.

The Love is in the Air Event runs from February 3rd to February 17th, giving you two weeks to participate and earn Love Witch’s Sweeper Mount and other rewards. To begin, go to Darnassus, where you’ll find a big portal in the middle of the area!

Open the Dungeon Finder and choose the Crown Chemical Company Dungeon. Each day, you can earn a Heart-Shaped Box, which contains Love Tokens and might even have the Love Witch’s Sweeper mount inside!

The dungeon is super fast, taking only 23 seconds to finish. Just defeat Apothecary Hummel and his helpers, and you’ll get your reward. You can play the dungeon on different characters to collect extra Love Tokens and try again for the prize!