This article will guide you on how to get Plank in LEGO Fortnite, which was released on December 7, 2023.
1) Build Campfire & Crafting Bench
Start by creating a campfire and a crafting bench. To make a campfire, you’ll need 4 x wood pieces. For the Crafting Bench, you’ll need 3 x wood pieces and 7 x granite stones.

2) Build a Lumber Mill
To make a campfire Lumber Mill, you’ll need 8 x Wood and 15 x Granite. Once you have a lumber mill, you can feed normal wood into it for processing.

3) Use a Lumber Mill to make Wooden Rod
Once you’ve built a lumber mill, interact with it and choose “plank” from the recipes list. Use the up button on the D-pad to decide how many pieces of wood you want to turn into planks; it’s a one-to-one conversion rate. The process of converting wood into a plank takes a few seconds for each piece. When finished, remember to collect your planks by pressing the Y / Triangle button on the console.