This guide will show you “How to Return Back to The Applecore” in the game God of War Ragnarok.
Also Read: The Applecore: All Collectible Locations | God of War Ragnarok
The Applecore and Jarnsmida Pitmines are located in Svartalfheim’s western region. These places were first visited during the story mission The Quest for Tyr, but you couldn’t fully explore them at the time. It is difficult to return to The Applecore and Pitmines since Mystic Gateways were not enabled on the previous visit. They can only be unlocked on a second visit.
Step 1: Head to the Mystic Gateway in the Aurvangar Wetlands.

Step 2: Go to the boat dock and take the ferry that goes North-West to the Sverd Sands.

Step 3: Go to the northwest part of the Sverd Sands and take the elevator.

This elevator takes you down into The Applecore.