This guide will show you where to find all of the Collectibles in “The Applecore” in the game God of War Ragnarok. There are only 14 collectibles in “The Applecore” which is part of the area of Svartalfheim.
- This walkthrough is for use after the story is completed as you may be lacking some of the unlockable skills.
- This article starts from the Mystic Gateway in The Applecore.
- You need a Spear to reach this location. The Spear weapon can be obtained by completing Main Mission 10: Forging Destiny.
1) Lore (Treasure Map – Demise of Dagestr)
From the Mystic Gateway walk down the path on the left (or use the Zipline) until you see the wind coming out of a wall on the right. Use a spear at the wind in the wall to climb up. You will find the lore on the ground.

2) Nornir Chest
Head left from the previous collectibles to find Nornir Chest. You will need to destroy 3 totems simultaneously. You can do this by using Spear.

You will find two totems hanging up in the air in front of the chest. Go right from the chests and climb up the walls to reach the third totem. location of the totems is shown in the pictures below. Hit the totems with a spear by pressing L2+R1. But make sure to not detonate them. After you have hit all three totems with spears, press the “Triangle” button to destroy them at once. This will unlock the chest. Open it to get an Idunn Apple.

3) Artifact (Kvasir’s Poems – Sanguinity)
From the Nornir Chest, climb back down and continue ahead in the linear path until you see a glowing boulder.

Use your spear to blow up the boulder. Head behind it to find the Artifact on the floor (purple color).

4) Odin’s Raven
Follow the path behind the Artifact. Use the grappling point to swing across. Climb down a golden chain in the next room, then crouch through the tunnel to reach a room with a giant door. Open the and look on the right side to find the Raven.

5) Artifact (Things Left Behind – Durinn’s Stone Statue)
Continue on the path to the right of the raven.

Open the iron gate and drop down from the ledge.

Shoot a green arrow at the soundstone to find the purple-glowing artifact.

6) Draugr Hole (Chaos Spark)
Open the door to the right of the artifact to trigger a Draugr Hole fight.

7) Legendary Chest (Fortified Frost Knob – Axe Attachment)
To find the Legendary Chest, climb up the platform in the same room as the Draugr Hole miniboss.

8) Buried Treasure (Treasure Map – Mining Glory)
For the treasure to spawn, collect the treasure map Svartalfheim > Nidavellir > #6 Lore (Treasure Map – Mining Glory)
Climb back up after leaving the room with Legendary Chest. Go to the right path and swing across. (Earlier you came to this area from the left path)

Take the circular route on the right and drop to the bridge on the right.

Turn around and follow the mini trails downward.

The treasure will be located near the river at the end of the rails on the right.

9) Lore (Lore Marker – Cooperation)
Take the path going left of the treasure and destroy the wooden barricade at the end to find the lore.

10) Lore (Rune Read – The Vault)
Return to the site where the treasure was buried and cross the river and then go to left.

Crouch under the hole and continue down the linear route until you reach the water wheel puzzle area.

Freeze the water with your levitated axe and then use the grappling hook to swing across.

After landing, shoot a green arrow at the gate’s soundstone to open it. Head inside to locate lore.

11) Artifact (Things Left Behind – Althjof’s Statue)
Return to the treasure spot and ascend the spiral mining path.

Throw a spear at the red explosive vase behind the rubble at the top to blow up the ruins.

To enter the next area, squeeze beneath a gap (below the bridge). Swing across the blue river using the grappling point on the left.

Climb up and exit via the large gate on the left.

Climb up the small platform to the left on the other side of the gate to find a purple-glowing item.

12) Yggdrasil Rift (Lindwyrm + Gale Spark)
Throw a spear at the wind in the wooden beams to the right of the Artifact and climb up. On the left is a Yggdrasil Rift.

13) Nornir Chest
In the same location on the right side is a Nornir chest. To unlock the chest, you will need to destroy 3 totems simultaneously. You can do this by using Spear.

Go to the right edge of the platform the chest is on. The totem won’t be visible as it is behind a waterfall far away. Freeze the waterfall to reveal the totem as shown in the picture below. Hit the totem with the spear. Totem #2 is on the left side of the chest. Continue further left from Totem #2, and you will see an explosive barrel behind some blockage on the right side. Hit the explosive barrel to remove the blockage, revealing the totem. Hit the totems with a spear by pressing L2+R1. But make sure to not detonate them. After you have hit all three totems with spears, press the “Triangle” button to destroy them at once. This will unlock the chest. Open it to get a Horm of Blood Mead.

14) Legendary Chest (Banahogg Knob – Axe Attachment)
Exit the region via the large gate next to the Mystic Gateway (near Nornir chest).

Crouch under the hole on the left wall to reach a tunnel.

Continue along the linear path until you reach the light at the end of the tunnel.

Look for a blue altar on the left just before exiting the tunnel.

Interact with it to unlock the rock wall and reveal a legendary chest.