This guide shows how to start the Daily Commissions in the game of Genshin Impact 3.0.
Pre-requisite to access Sumeru’s Daily Commissions
- Sumeru: Chapter III: Act II
- The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings

- World Quest – Adventure Takes Courage!

Quest Line: The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings
During Sumeru: Chapter III: Act II – The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings, players will complete a series of Quests related to the Sabzeruz Festival. Upon completing the final Quest, Dawn. Players will unlock a new World Quest called Adventure Takes Courage!
- The Coming of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The Arrival of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The Continuation of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The Samsara of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The Causality of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The Empty Illusions of the Sabzeruz Festival
- The End of the Sabzeruz Festival
Adventure Takes Courage! – World Quest
In Adventure Takes Courage! World Quest, players will need to head to Sumeru City and speak to Katheryne – the Adventurers’ Guide.
I have marked the location below. A player will unlock Sumeru City’s Reputation Board upon completing this new World Quest.

After completing both the Pre-requisite head to your Quest page to see Daily Commissions.