How to Unlock Levels 1,2, & 3 Doors in Hogwarts Legacy
This guide shows how to unlock levels 1,2, & 3 doors in the Hogwarts Legacy game, which released on 10th February 2023. Click here if you want to see how to unlock the puzzle doors.
To unlock the doors, you will need to learn Alohomora spell. You will learn Alohomara spell during The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament main quest. The quest will be available after you have completed Percival Rackham’s Trial main quest. Once the quest is available, talk to Gladwin Moon and he will teach you the Alohomora spell. Once you have learned the spell, you will be able to open Level 1 Locks. After that, as part of The Man Behind the Moons quest, Gladwin will ask you to find him Demiguide Moon statues. Find 9 Demiguide Moon statues to unlock Alohomora 2. Find another 13 Demiguide Moon statues to unlock Alohomora 3. Then you will be able to unlock Level 2 & Level 3 locks.

Lockpicking Mini Game
Once you have learned the Alohomor spell, approach a locked door and interact with it. This will start the lockpicking mini-game.
Use your joystick to move the green spark into the hole in the green dial as shown in the picture below. Now rotate the green dial until the green gear on the bottom right corner starts rotating as shown in the picture below. The green light in the gear will also start glowing. Leave the green dial at this position.
Now use your joystick to move the red spark into the hole in the red dial as shown in the picture below. Now rotate the red dial until the red gear in the center starts rotating as shown in the picture below. The red light in the gear will also start glowing. When both the green and red gears are rotating, leave both dials in this position few seconds until the door unlocks.