Resident Evil 8 Village: How to Unlock Infinite Ammo Cheats

Unlimited Ammo Weapons List: Resident Evil 8 Village

      • LEMI (Handgun)
      • M1911 (Handgun)
      • V61 Custom (Handgun)
      • M1897 (Shotgun)
      • W870 TAC (Shotgun)
      • SYG-12 (Shotgun)
      • F2 Rifle (Sniper)
      • GM 79 (Grenade Launcher)
      • M1851 Wolfsbane (Magnum)
      • S.T.A.K.E. (Magnum)
      • WCX (Assault Rifle)
      • USM-AI (Handgun)
      • Dragoon (Assault Rifle)
      • Handcannon PZ (Magnum)
      • Rocket Pistol (Special)

Resident Evil 8 Village: How to Unlock Infinite Ammo Cheats

There are 15 weapons with Infinite Ammo in Resident Evil 8 Village. Infinite ammo or unlimited ammo weapons are guns in the resident evil village that never run out of ammunition. Normally, these can be unlocked from Extra Content Shop. Title Screen >> Bonuses >> Extra Content Shop. The Extra Content Shop is only available after finishing the story.

Infinite Ammo Cheat: 

      • Create a Manual Save
      • For a weapon buy all upgrades including Weapon Parts.
      • Save again in a different Slot & exit to the Main Menu
      • Infinite Ammo Cheat is unlocked now. Buy the Cheat from the Extra Content Shop using the CP Currency.
      • Now Reload the first Manual Save. You will get old Lei as well as Infinite Ammo Cheat.

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