How to use Treasure Seeking Seelie | Genshin Impact Sumeru

This guide shows how to use Treasure Seeking Seelie in Lost Riches Day 1 in the area of Sumeru in the game of Genshin Impact 3.0. In the Lost Riches Event, you need to do the world quest “Treasures Beneath the Vines”, where you meet a strange person near (Ulman NPC)Sumeru City.

Also Read:
Lost Riches Day 1
Lost Riches Day 2

As the quest starts, head east of Sumeru City and meet Ulman (NPC). Ulman tells Traveller about Treasure-Seeking Seelies that excel at treasure-seeking and need your help in bringing him the “Ancient Iron Coins”.

Treasure area 1

Go to your gadget page and switch your gadget to “Treasure-Seeking Seelies”.

Head to Chatrakam Cave, and summon “Treasure-Seeking Seelies”. by pressing “Z”.

As you summon “Treasure-Seeking Seelies”, you can see the location of the next Seelies location on the mini-map, which is south of the teleport waypoint. Follow the Seelies three times until it has located a treasure area indicated by white light.

Head to the location to play a time-based challenge. Defeat all the enemies spawn in the area and collect the energy near the treasure area. You will also earn Ancient Iron Coins as a reward.

Treasure area 2

Summon “Treasure-Seeking Seelies” and head northeast of the teleport waypoint to find the next Seelie. Continue to follow the Seelies at three different locations until it has located a treasure area indicated by white light. Head to the location to play a time-based challenge. Defeat all the enemies spawn in the area and collect all the energy near the treasure area. 

Treasure area 3

Summon “Treasure-Seeking Seelies” and head northeast of the teleport waypoint to find the next Seelie. This Seelie is inside the wind current. Glide from the nearby height to collect the Seelie.

Continue to follow the Seelies at three different locations until it has located a treasure area indicated by white light. Head to the location to play a time-based challenge. Defeat all the enemies spawn in the area and collect all the energy near the treasure area. 

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