Larval Tear is required to respec your character in Elden Ring. This guide shows the locations of all 18 Larval Tears in the game.
Larval Tear #1: Agheel Lake South (Limgrave)
Hit the Undead Soldier on the east side of Agheel Lake South Site of Grace in Limgrave as shown in the pictures below. On hitting the enemy, it will transform into a bear. Defeat the bear to get the Larval Tear.

Larval Tear #2: Caelid
Hit the Undead Soldier in the graveyard on the southeast portion of Caelid as shown in the pictures below. On hitting the enemy, it will transform into a monster. Defeat the monster to get the Larval Tear.

Larval Tear #3: Village of the Albinaurics (Liurnia)
This one is in the Village of the Albinaurics in Liurnia. Go to the cemetery near the wooden bridge in the Village of the Albinaurics and you will get the Larval Tear there as shown in the pictures below.

Larval Tear #4: North of Folly on the Lake (Liurnia)
You will find a giant lobster on the north side of Folly on the Lake Site of Grace in Liurnia as shown in the pictures below. Defeat the giant lobster to get a Larval Tear.

Larval Tear #5: “Ressurection” Painting (Liurnia)
Go to the Artist’s Shack in Liurnia as shown in the picture below. Here you will find a “Ressurection” Painting. You need to find the place from where the painting was drawn.

The place where the painting was drawn is near the Behind Carian Manor Site of grace. This location will be available only after you have defeated Royal Knight Loretta boss in Carian Manor. Go to the Artists location to get a Larval Tear.

Larval Tear #6: Carian Manor (Liurnia)
Go to the location east of Ranni’s Rise marked in the picture below. This location will get available only after you have defeated Royal Knight Loretta boss in Carian Manor.

From the edge of the cliff, jump down to the roof as shown below. Then keep jumping down to reach the lower roof with an opening as shown in the second picture below. Go inside the building and talk to Pidia, and you can purchase a Larval Tear from him for 3000 runes. If Pidia is dead, then collect his bell bearing and give it to the Twin Maiden in the Roundtable Hold to purchase it from her.

Larval Tear #7: Altus Plateau Ruins
Hit the Undead Soldier inside the ruins on the east side of Woodfolk Ruins as shown in the pictures below. On hitting the enemy, it will transform into a monster. Defeat the monster to get the Larval Tear.

Larval Tear #8: Road of Inequities (Mt Gelmir)
From the Road of Inequities Site of Grace, go east. In a camp near the Road of Inequities Site of Grace, you will find a charred enemy. Defeat this enemy to get a Larval Tear.

Larval Tear #9: Inner Consecrated Snowfield (Consecrated Snowfield)
From the Inner Consecrated Snowfield Site of Grace, go southeast. At the location marked in the pictures below, you will find three enemies. Defeat these enemies and one of them will drop a Larval Tear. Click here to see how to reach Consecrated Snowfield.

Larval Tear #10: Siofra River Bank (Siofra)
To get this Larval Tear, you will need to go to the underground area of Siofra. From the Siofra River Bank Site of Rest, go north and climb up the wooden platform as shown in the second picture below. From there, make your way inside the hidden room behind the waterfall by following the steps marked in the second picture below. Inside, you will find an Abandoned Merchant. You can purchase Larval Tear from him for 3000 Runes.

Larval Tear #11: Nokron Eternal City (Nokron)
Make your way to the Nokron Eternal City Site of Grace. From there, go out through the door and enter the building on the right side as shown in the second picture below. You will find the Larval Tear inside this building.

Larval Tear #12: Nokron
After collecting the previous Larval Tear, come out from the building and go down the stairs on the east side. After climbing down, turn right and proceed ahead. You will find the Larval Tear in a gazebo at the location marked in the pictures below.

Larval Tear #13 & #14: Mimic Tear Boss (Nokron)
After collecting the previous Larval Tear, proceed southeast and enter the Boss Lair as shown in the picture below. Defeat the Mimic Tear boss there and it will drop two Larval Tears.

Larval Tear #15: Night’s Sacred Ground (Nokron)
After defeating Mimic Tear boss, cross the bridge on the north. Then go down the path on the left side. After that follow the paved path as shown in the picture below.

Leave the paved path at the location shown below. Go left here to find the Ancestral Woods Site of Grace as shown in the pictures below.

Jump on the roof ahead of the Site of grace as. Then jump on the ledge further down below as shown in the pictures below.

Walk on the ledge to go to the west side of the building. Then jump down to the building on the right side and go right as shown in the pictures below.

After that, immediately turn left and jump down on the roof ahead. Then jump further down and take the path to the left as shown below.

Walk on the ledge ahead. Then jump down on the wall and climb up the window straight ahead as shown in the picture below.

After entering the building, jump down to the lowest level. Here you will find a giant Steel Ball as shown below. Destroy the ball to get a Larval Tear.

Larval Tear #16, #17 & #18: Nokstella
Go to Nokstella Eternal City. You will go there during Ranni’s questline. From the Nokstella Eternal City Site of Grace, climb up the stairs straight ahead as shown in the pictures below.

At the top of the stairs, go to the path straight ahead and turn left at the end.

Climb up another set of stairs and then take the first right as shown in the picture below.

As you turn right, you will see a giant steel ball rolling down from the staircase ahead as shown below. Destroy this steel ball to get Larval Tear #16. Then enter the room on the right side as shown in the picture below. Here you will find another giant steel ball. Destroy this steel ball to get Larval Tear #17.

Now climb up the stairs through which the giant steel ball rolled down. Enter the room ahead and you will find another giant steel ball handing on the roof as shown in the picture below. Shoot the steel ball to make it fall down. Then destroy it to get Larval Tear #18.