10 Legendary Pokemons & Where To Find Them
There are a total of TEN Legendary (or Mythical) Pokemons in New Pokemon Snap. The Legendary Pokemons can be spotted in a particular area, at a particular time (day or night) and they spawn at a particular research level.
1. MEW
- Visit Jungle (Night) at research level 2.
- As soon as you start the course turn around and play the melody.
- Mew will appear (inside a pink sphere) and will follow you.
- Hit the pink sphere with a fluffruit. The sphere will vanish giving you an opportunity to photograph Mew.
- Take the photo quickly because in a couple of seconds Mew will disappear as well.

- Visit Snowfields (Day) at research level 2.
- You’ll see a Sandslash at the very beginning on top of the mountain (to the left). Take its photo.
- Keep moving forward and the Sandslash will re-emerge on top of another mountain (to the left). Take another photo.
- Then Sandslash will then appear in front of you (on the path) and will enter into a snow-wall. Analyze the snow wall to unlock the new path.

- Now, visit Snowfields at Night (level 2) and enter the new path you unlocked during the day.
- Hit the Crabominable with Illumina Orb. It will cross the street and come to your left.
- Hit the Crabominable with another Orb and it will throw some snow on the Abomisnow. Abomisnow will start a blizzard after which a Froslass will come out.
- Follow the Fosslass. It will go into another snow-wall.
- Analyse the snow-wall to unlock a new path and then choose that path (at night).

- You’ll see a Jynx on a snow-boat, on the water to your right. Hit the Jynx with Orb to make it Glow.
- This glow will summon the Legendary Suicune. You’ll see it running over the water.

- Reach Undersea at research level 3.
- You’ll notice that a Clawitzer breaks open a new path (with its water gun attack) to your right.
- Take the new path and go deeper into the sea.
- On your way down you’ll see a Lanturn. Hit it with Illumina Orb to make it swim deeper.

- Follow the Lanturn. After a while, it will be attacked by two Frillish.
- Hit the Lanturn with Illumina Orb. It will then be able to break itself free (from the Frillish) and will lead you to the very bottom of the seafloor.
- At the bottom of the seafloor, press the X-button (to analyze) and you’ll notice a new path has been unlocked to the right. Enter the new path and head forward into Lugia’s den.
- You’ll notice Lugia sleeping on the right side. Throw Illumina Orb at the nearby Crystalbloom and you’ll be all set for the Lugia pic.

4. Ho-Oh
- Reach Volcano at research level 3.
- After moving just a little ahead into the level, you’ll notice lava to your left and a crystalbloom to your right.
- When you’re in this area, turn around and look up in the sky. You’ll find Legendary Ho-Oh flying above.
- If it doesn’t appear in that spot, restart the course and try again.

- Visit the Elsewhere Forest on research level 2.
- At the very end, you’ll be teleported to the dense forest area.
- Here you’ll see Celebi flying all the way across (it will be coming from your right side).
- Hit it with Illumina orb. It will stop and teleport itself.
- Take a picture while it’s teleporting for the best shot.

- Beat the entire game and see the end credits.
- Then head back to Ruins at research level 2.
- Just outside the ancient ruins you’ll spot Jirachi. Snap some pictures.
- If you keep on snapping pictures, Jirachi will show up at many different spots within your ruin’s run. You’ll get plenty of opportunity to take Jirachi’s photographs.
- Throw ilumina orbs and fluffruits at it to get different poses (If you keep playing with it will give an upside-down pose).

- Go to the Reef (Evening) at research level 2.
- At the split, take the left path towards the Lapras.There are 4 Lapras in the area.
- Hit all the 4 Lapras with Illumia Orb and then play the melody.
- Manaphy will then pop out of the water in-between the 2 Lapras.
- It will play above water for quite some time giving you ample time to get some good shots.

- Visit Florio Nature Park (Day) at research level 2.
- To your left (near the lake) you’ll find Shaymin sleeping in the grass. Shaymin will be in-between Grookey and Pichu.
- You can go to the park at night as well for some additional pictures.
- Shaymin will be more active if you visit the park at research level 3.

- It can be easily spotted at the very end of the story mode, in Ruins of Rememberance (Illumina Spot).
- Hit the floating rainbow orb with Illumina Orb. Xerneas will then reveal itself.

- Reach Cave (Outaway cave) on research level 3.
- You’ll reach a split path where some Noibats come flying through a hole. Analyze the area and take the left path. [You’ll know you’re on the correct path when you see 2 Geodudes on the corner in the left]
- As you move ahead, you’ll see 2 Carbinks and 1 Mawile below. You need to hit all 3 of them with Illumina Orbs.
- After that Diancie will arrive. Diancie will be in the area just behind Mawile.
- Play music to get some good shots.