Metal Coat gives a boost to the power of Steel-type moves of a Pokemon. It is also used to evolve an Onix into Steelix. This guide shows how to get Metal Coat in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl (BDSP).

Where to Find Metal Coal
There are a few ways you can get a Metal Coat in the game. This guide shows two ways in which you can get a Metal Coat.
Get Metal Coat in Iron Island
You will get Metal Coat on the Iron island. But to get it, first, you will need to get the National Pokedex. To get National Pokedex, finish the Pokemon League, and register all 150 Pokemon to the Sinnoh Pokedex. Then go and talk to the Professor in Sandgem town to get the National Pokedex.

Once you have the National Pokedex, go to Canalave City. In Canalava City, take the boat to the Iron Island as shown in the picture below.

On reaching the Iron island, get down the boat and go upstairs. then enter the small house as shown in the picture below. talk to the man inside the house and he will give you a Metal coat.

Steal Metal Coat from Magnemite
You can also get a Metal Coat by stealing it from Magnemite. To steal, you will need ‘Thief’ TM. You will find Magnemite in the Grand Underground. Put Steel-type mods in your secret base to increase the chances of Magnemite spawning.