Monster Hunter Stories 2: List of Story Quests

Story Quest 1: Birth of a Rider

An ominous red light flashes on the night of the festival. The Protector of the island, Guardian Ratha, disappears. What could be the cause of these strange events? Chief Gara orders the Riders of the village to look into it, and so you take your very first steps as a new Riders.

Story Quest 2: Looking Over the Overlook

After getting a Monstie of your own, you head into the forest as a fresh-faced Rider where you meet Navirou, a legendary Felyne hero who once save the world… or so he claims. Becoming partners, you too head out to investigate Rider overlook together.

Story Quest 3: Pona Grasslands Incident

With monsters now fighting over territory, there seems to be no end to the strange occurrences plaguing the island. Concerned about the terrible impact this could have upon the nature of the world, Cheif Gara tasks you with heading to Pona Grasslands to find out more.

Story Quest 4: To the Everden

You prove yourself as a Rider by fending off a Yian kut-ku. Recognizing your bravery, Chief Gara includes you in the Guardian Ratha investigation. Now, the time has come for you to set in the Guardian Woods…

Story Quest 5: Poisonous Peril

A ferocious Anjanatha suddenly appeared. Surprised by this turn of events, you hear of another monster acting strangely. Is this an ominous sign of things to come? you head to North Kamuna Forest in search of answers.

Story Quest 6: The Sealed Den

After the Anjanath, you encounter a Pukei-Pukei. Now the Guardian Ratha is gone, rampaging monsters terrorize the land. In order o uncover the truth behind these strange events, you head to where it all began – the Guardian Ratha Woods

Story Quest 7: Ena’s Home

You decided to travel with Ena, the Wyverian girl, to protect the Razewing Ratha egg entrusted to her by Guardian Ratha. You set off to her home of Rutoh Village where your grandfather Red once forged strong bonds with the Wyverian living there.

Story Quest 8: In Red’s Footsteps

The Wyverian of Rutoh looks upon the Rathalos egg that you and Ena brought back with suspicion. For them, it is nothing but an ill omen, you must prove that you are capable of taking on the Rites of Channeling by heading into the forest where strange happenings have been reported.

Story Quest 9: An Invisible Enemy

Still deemed unsuitable for the Rite of Channeling, you now face a new challenge. you must head to Harzgai Rocky Hill to trace down a monster that has been causing havoc there.

Story Quest 10: The Villagers Request

After completing numerous trials, you are finally granted permission to undergo the Rites of Channeling, a ritual that awakens the hidden power of Kinship. To further yourself as a rider, you decided to help out a Wyverian who came to Zellrd with a problem.

Story Quest 11: Find Those Chilren!

Is the power slumbering in Ratha truly so ruinous? If it is, then what need to be done about it? With a clouded head, you head to the last know location of Ol’Dede, but the rays of hope in your mind are shadowed by a sneaking sense of dread…

Story Quest 12: A Stranger in Black

Returning the children to safety, you discover the identity of the monster responsible for scaring them. You take on a request to hunt down the mighty Nargacuga, and leave the village.

Story Quest 13: The Spark of Disaster

Strange occurrences continue to plague the forest even after you defeat the Nargacuga. A report that Alwin brings to Elder Maolo conjures up old memories of Red, and reminders of an awful past. As Red’s grandchild, you must learn about that past somehow. Ena encourages you to head to Mt. Harzgai.

Story Quest 14: Wings of ruin – Path of Hope

The long-awaited moment comes – the Rathalos egg hatches. However, baby Ratha’s are small and weak. They are not wings befitting a future King of the Skies, but those of the destructive Razewing Ratha. You head off in search of a way to save Ratha from his cruel fate.

Story Quest 15: In the Name of Restoration

You travel to Kuan Village to find Ol’ Dede, a Wyverian who may be able to help Ratha. The strange, light-filled pits have also been appearing near the village, which is currently under repair. You must enter Loloska Forest with Navirou’s old friend, Avinia, to help her out.

Story Quest 16: Cave Dweller

You Defeat the creepy forest Inhabitat, Nerscylla. Returning to the village, you hear the plight of a merchant who faces going out of business. You must now help clear a cave of rocks that block the supply route to the village.

Story Quest 17: Soaring Bolt

Chief Dual request more materials to complete the windmills, the finishing touch of Kuan’s restoration. You need to Loloska Rockys Canyon for materials as the thought of happy villagers seeing the spinning windmills fill your mind.

Story Quest 18: Unseen Foe

That last part needed to complete the windmills can be found in Jagged Rock Cave. However, anyone who attempts to enter the cave has been attacked by an unknown assailant, sowing fear among the villagers, With no time to give in to fear, you head into the cave.

Story Quest 19: Pit Probe

The light emerging from the pits is causing the monsters’ strange behavior. The rage-ray phenomenon has spread farther than kuan, with stories of it happening all across the land. What could be the connection between the pits, the light, and the rage-rays? You Head toward the pit to find out.

Story Quest 20: Ol’ Dede’s Words of Wisdom

Is the power slumbering in Ratha truly so ruinous? If it is. then what needs to be done about it? WIth a Clouded head, you head to the last known location of Ol’Dede, but the ray of hope in your mind are shadowed by a sneaking sense of dread…

Story Quest 21: Proof of Strength

The Awakened power of ruin can be controlled by the Power of Kinship! Your relief is short-lived, however, as the Scriveners capture Ratha in their own attempt to prevent destruction. You begin to question whether you are truly fit to be a Rider.

Story Quest 22: Reverto, the Mentor

What is a Rider’s true Strength, and how does one prove it? Unable to answer Reverto’s question about the Plesioth, You travel toward the Desert Cave. What does it mean to be a Hunter, or a Rider? What is their connection to a monster? No doubt the path you take will show you in due time.

Story Quest 23: To the Lab, at Once!

After fulfilling a request from the Guild, you return to Lulucion to retrieve Ratha. You Learn that a monster is attacking a lab… And it turns out that’s what Ratha is! Lilia Takes a leap of faith and puts her trust in you, the only one able to control Ratha. 

Story Quest 24: Rider Hindrance

Mysterious Rider block your way to the lab. While you’re being held up, both Ena and Ratha are Kidnapped. Who are these Riders, and what do they want with Ratha? Filled to the brim with questions, you chase after the sandship where Ena and Ratha are being held.

Story Quest 25: Ascending the Tower

Ena and Ratha are taken up the Lamure Tower. If the bond between you and Ratha is severed, the Wings of Ruin will take over – this cannot come to pass. Reverto Tells a betrayed kyle what he believes it means to be a Hunter before heading up to the top of the tower.

Story Quest 26: It’s the Pits

Just when everything seems doomed, the Kinship between you and Ratha saves the day. His once-weak wings – said to hold the power of ruin – beat powerfully through the air, carrying you both to safety. Ena realized that the time has come to take you to a certain place…

Story Quest 27: Protect the Hideout

After Ena tells you how Red died, you decide to uncover the truth he was searching for. While investing the light, Navirou shares a touching reunion with Orgo, and offers his help when he finds out that Orgo’s former village was destroyed by a pit, and now his new home is threatened by monster!

Story Quest 28: A Complicated Compromise

Many Felynes have lost their home because of the pits. Orgo asks you to go investigate the one that destroyed his village. During your investigation, Kyle and Tsukino turn up. Unaware of the tension between your two parties, Orgo insists you all work together.

Story Quest 29: Navirou’s Memories

Orgo is injured during the Lagiacrus fight, forcing Navirou to use his hidden power. Unable to remember what pushed him and Orgo apart, Navirou seems troubled. A confused Kyle fails to understand the world that Ena speaks of. However, new reports bring everyone’s focus back to the task at hand.

Story Quest 30: Chasing Legends

What us Razewing Ratha? What’s causing the light from the pits, and why? With so many unanswered questions, all Kyle can believe is now is the Power of Kinship between Rider and Monstie. he accepts you as a friend and you head to a monument that depicts the Rathalos Legend.

Story Quest 31: Death on the Prowl

Upon reaching Nua Te, a village shrouded in secrecy, you are told to the location of the monument by the villager elder, Yoomlana. A Nergigante appears as if an attempt to prevent you from finding out the truth. For Ena, seeing this monster again brings up painful memories of Red’s death.

Story Quest 32: A Worrying Sighting

Obsidian wings overflow with terrifying power – the power of ruin simply could not be controlled. The power of Kinship that was supposed to strengthen your bond with Ratha only cause more harm. how can you protect Ratha? With no clear answer in sight, you pursue the Nergigante in search of clues.

Story Quest 33: The Rise of Ruin

This Whole time, you have simply been chasing Red’s Shadow. Cheval’s words inspire a revelation- what can you do now, as a Rider? If you can find the answer to that, then maybe, just maybe, you can live up to Red’s name.

Story Quest 34: Divebombing Disaster

The Bringer of Calamity’s true identity is uncovered. A simple song connects with the legend the monument depicts – Razewing Ratha will swoop down from the sky in a blaze of fire to stop Oltura’s rampage as it emerges from the earth. The truth has finally been revealed!

Story Quest 35: Before the Blues

The light radiating from the bit begins to change color as if to signal the start of a terrible calamity. red turns to purple, and soon that purple will change to blue. Events are unfolding exactly as the song from Nua Te Foretold. You must act before the sky is painted blue.

Story Quest 36: The End is Nigh

The sky begins to lose its red hue and turn blue – a color that fills the hearts of all who gaze upon it with dread, an omen of the coming ruin. The source of the light is the Forbidden Grounds, located on Hakolo Island.

Story Quest 37: To the Beat of Wings

Guardian Ratha disappears into Oltura’s light, and you are reunited with Red as his mission finally comes to an end. The sacrifice of Guardian Ratha awakens Oltura. This is the truth that Red has pursued so long. You and Ratha surged forth for your final fight.

Story Quest 38: True Kinship

You have defeated Oltura, thanks in part to the power held within Ratha’s wings. the impossible was made possible by the bond you and Ratha forged, and by always striving to seek the truth. The time has come for a new tale to begin!

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