Motherlobe Quarry: All Collectibles Locations | Psychonauts 2

There are four types of collectibles in the Motherlobe Quarry real-world hub. The types of collectibles are Supply Chests, Supply Chest Keys, PSI Challenge Markers, and PSI Challenge Cards. This article shows the location of all the collectibles and how to get them in the Motherlobe Quarry Area.

Supply Chests & Supply Chest Keys
PSI Challenge Markers
PSI Challenge Cards

Supply Chests & Supply Chest Keys

Secret Supply Key #1
The supply chest key is located on the upper left side of the Motherlobe. Use the elevator/tube with wind on the left to reach the second level and go around the corner to find this one.

Supply Chest #1
It is located in the Motherlobe area, turn right and look under the balcony. You’ll see it between two pillars at a lower level.

Otto Lab

Secret Supply Key #2
The supply chest key is located behind Otto’s Lab on the righthand side.

Supply Chest #2
It is located on top of a big rock near the Otto lab. Use the boat to ride up to the rock and use the vines to climb to the chest.

Secret Supply Key #3
The supply chest key is located inside Otto’s Lab. Head inside till the end. You will find a stair and a fast-moving fan on the left. Use Time Bubble on the fast-moving fan to slow it down. The supply chest key is behind the giant fan.

Supply Chest #3
The Secret Supply Chest is located inside Otto’s Lab. Look up above the fast-moving fan on the left to find a balcony. Follow the path on the left to the upper level, where you can grab this.

Max Turbine (Near Waterfall)

Secret Supply Key #4
The supply chest key is located on a generator right of the waterfall. This waterfall is right from the motherlobe building. Use the boat to ride up to the waterfall. 


Supply Chest #4
The Secret Supply Chest is in the treehouse. Use the rail on the right to go up to the platform, then use the stairs. The Supply Chest is located on another wooden platform to the left of the entrance.

PSI Challenge Markers

#1 – PSI Challenge Markers

The first PSI Challenge Marker is located on a platform behind the Motherlobe building. Here you need to use the Thought Tuner to create Mental Connection nodes. Once Mental modes are generated travel through it to reach the back of the Motherlobe building.

#2 – PSI Challenge Markers

PSI Challenge Marker at otto Lab is also placed on top of Otto’s Lab. Use the Thought Tuner to create Mental Connection nodes to reach it.

#3 – PSI Challenge Markers

The PSI Challenge Markers is located on top of a big rock left of the waterfall. First, go to the nearest point in the treehouse. Use the Thought Tuner by the Treehouse to create Mental Connection nodes to reach it.

#4 – PSI Challenge Markers

The PSI Challenge Markers is located behind the waterfall (Max Turbine). Use the boat to ride up to the waterfall. Climb up the creeper and the wooden platform to reach the waterfall and then ride the rail to go back of the waterfall. The PSI Challenge Markers is behind a fence so you can use levitation ability to reach the PSI Challenge Marker.

#5 – PSI Challenge Markers

The PSI Challenge Markers is located on top of the Psychoisolation Chamber. Head to the waterfall first and climb up the platform to reach a wind draft nearby. Use Levitation on a wind draft near the Waterfall to reach the top of the Psychoisolation Chamber.

PSI Challenge Card

There are a total of 18 PSI Challenge Cards in the Motherlobe Quarry Area. Check the video below to see their locations.

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