God of War Ragnarok: Myrkr Tunnel Puzzle Guide
This guide shows how to complete the “Find a Path to the Surface” objective for the “Forging Destiny” quest in God of War Ragnarok. Click here for a video walkthrough.
Find a Path to the Surface
As the quest starts, continue ahead until you an explosive barrel in front of a portcullis as shown in the picture below. Hit the barrel with your blade and it will create a path through the portcullis.

Proceed ahead until you reach another portcullis as shown in the picture below. This time, your blade cannot reach the barrel as it is behind the portcullis. But luckily there is some oil spilled on the ground. Hit the oil with your blade. This will create a fire, causing an explosion. This will open the path through the portcullis.

Keep going and eventually reach Sindri. Move the cart behind Sindri to clear the path.

Proceed ahead and you will reach a gate puzzle. On the opposite side of the gate, you will see an oil barrel as shown in the picture below. Hit it with your axe to spill some oil. Hit the oil with your blade to create an explosion, burning the red vines. This will clear the path for you to reach the legendary chest.

Now go back to the closed gate. Pull the chain in front of the gate. This will bring the gate half down. Hit the seal with a sigil arrow and then hit it with your axe, while holding the chain. This will break the seal.

Now hit the twilight stone behind the closed gate at an angle as shown in the picture below. This will completely open the gate.

Proceed ahead and you will reach a big room with a water puzzle. Hit the wooden trough above the water wheel as shown in the picture below. This will freeze the trough and water will overflow into the wheel. This will make the wheel start moving, opening the gate next to it. Crouch under the small hole behind the gate. This will lead you to a Nornir Chest.

Climb up the staircase next to the Nornir Chest and proceed ahead until you reach a big room. Climb up the wall in this room as shown in the picture below. Rotate the lever above to move the wooden trough as shown in the second picture below.

Go back to the water puzzle room and hit the trough on the east side with a Sigil Arrow as shown in the picture below. Then hit the spot with your axe. This will make the water fall down on the lower trough. Now hit the lower trough on the spot above the water wheel as shown in the second picture below. This will freeze the trough and water will overflow into the wheel. The wheel will rotate and the gate on the north side of the room will open.

Go through the gate until you reach another gate. Pull open the gate and continue ahead. Then climb up the wall straight ahead to come out from the Myrkr Tunnels. This will complete the objective.