This article will guide you on how to complete all objectives of the side quest ‘No Rest for the Wicked‘ for the game Flintlock The Siege of Dawn, released on 18 July 2024.
Starting Location
The quest is available after speaking to the Host (NPC) at the Coffee Shop in Whitebridge after liberating the First Anchor hamlet.
No Rest for the Wicked Walkthrough
The quest giver named Host will ask the player to look for a wanted man camping on Nomad’s Coast
Locate the Wanted Man
As the quest starts, head to the location indicated on the map. Defeat the enemy in the area to rescue NPC, Jiri. Jiri will explain that he is a former bandit attempting to leave his life of crime behind and will ask you to retrieve three caches for him.

Retrieve the Caches
Go to the three places marked on the map below. Defeat the bandits guarding each area and loot the chest.

After you get all three caches, go back to Jiri. When you get there, he will turn hostile. Defeat him to get the Wildfire Mortar firearm.