Oshozan-u Shrine: Mallet Smash Walkthrough
This guide shows the complete walkthrough of the Oshozan-u Shrine in the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom game, released on 12th May 2023. The Oshozan-u Shrine is at the location shown in the pictures below.

After entering the shrine, grab the log and attach it to the wooden cube horizontally as shown in the picture below. Then attach the rocket to the cube as shown below. Now hit the rocket. This will make the log hit the switch ahead, opening the iron gate.

Proceed ahead into the next room. Grab the log there and place it as shown in the picture below. Then climb the log to reach the chest. Open the chest to get a Zonaite Bow.

Now pick up the long log and attach it to the Cog Wheel as shown in the picture below. Then attach the rocket vertically as shown below. Now hit the rocket, this will make the log rotate and hit the switch as shown in the second picture below. This will open the iron gate. Go through it and get the blessing to complete the shrine.