This article will guide you on how to find and catch Blazamut Boss in Palworld. Paldeck Number: #96 Blazamut is a fire-type pal. Blazamut being a Fire-type pal is a perfect addition, especially in the Snow biome
Blazamut roams in volcanic Scorching Mineshaft which is located southwest of the Foot of the Volcano fast travel point at coordinates -436 and -529. Blazamut as a Fire Pal, water attacks deal amplified damage, so pack Water Pals to defeat it. Another location is the No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary in the northeastern part of the map.

Inside the Scorching Mineshaft, the Blazamut you discover is a boss at level 49. If you explore the Wildlife Sanctuary, you’ll come across Blazamuts that range in levels from 40 to 43. To defeat Blazamut, bring a strong Water Pal and make use of the terrain inside the mineshaft to defeat this formidable monster.
How to catch Blazamut in Palworld
To catch Blazamut, start by using weapons like the Assault Rifle to reduce its health. After that, you can capture it with an Ultra Sphere. Water-type Pals work best for this. So, when you’re fighting Blazamut, Pals like Azurobe, Kelpsea, and Surfent are great options.