Precise Sequential Ranking | Genshin Impact

In Genshin Impact Version 4.2, the Traveler’s help is sought to complete particular tasks like Motherboard Troubleshooting. Here is our guide for the Motherboard Troubleshooting event in Genshin Impact.

Component Functions

In the event, your main task is to connect the signal source to its special endpoint. You’ll see a grid that’s 7 squares by 7 squares. Inside, there’s a signal source, a signal endpoint, and switches on the motherboard that turns pathways on. You have to create a circuit so that signal sources (multiple) reach their respective endpoint.

  • Branching Paths: Activate the switches that match the colors to guide how the path connects in the circuit. In each test, there can be up to two paths with different colors.
  • Multi-Circuits: While debugging, there will be two different colored sets corresponding to signal sources and endpoints. When all signal sources have been connected to the endpoints of the corresponding color, then this circuit debugging will be judged successful.

Unsolved Motherboard


Make sure to extend one of the paths in the circuit more than the other, so that both signal sources don’t reach the switch at the same time. In the below circuit, I have made the path of the orange source bit longer than the green one.

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