Proceed deeper within Khemenu Temple | Genshin Impact 3.1

This guide shows how to complete the objective “Proceed deeper within Khemenu Temple” of the world quest “An Introduction to Indoor Archaeology” in the game of Genshin Impact 3.1 update, which was released on 28th September 2022. This is the 2nd quest of the “Golden Slumber” questline.

Also Read: Complete guide – An Introduction to Indoor Archaeology

Go to Khemenu Temple

At this point in the quest you have a night’s rest in the oasis, and now need to go to the Khemenu Temple. It is in the northwest direction from the oasis.

Proceed deeper within Khemenu Temple

In the cutscene, you will go head inside the temple and let Benben open up the door. Proceed inside until you find a locked door and archeological team members standing nearby. Here you need to find a way to open the door. Here find two Primal Embers and follow them back to the door to open it up and proceed to the next area.

How to Get the Primal Ember on the Right Door

Go to the door near Jebrael on the right side. Open the door and head down until you reach the room.

Pick the Forged Primal Light to activate the Primal Ember (blue floating orb). Release the Primal Ember.

Follow the Primal Ember like a Seelie until it reaches the Primal Torch near the locked door to light it up.

How to Get the Primal Ember on the Left Door

Go to the door on the right, near Tirzad. Head down until you reach the room.

Defeat the enemy to then release the Primal Ember.

Follow the Primal Ember like a Seelie until it reaches the 2nd Primal Torch near the locked door to light it up.

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