PSI Challenge Marker are collectibles that are found in real-world hubs. Collecting a PSI Challenge Marker increases your PSI cadet rank by 1 rank. There is a total of 7 PSI Challenge Marker in the Questionable area. This article shows the location of all the PSI Challenge Marker in the Questionable Area and how to get them.

PSI Challenge Marker 1/7
It is on the top of the signboard on the Lumberstack diner (Marked as ‘E’ on the map). Jump on the car hood in front of the diner to reach the roof of the diner. Now hit the key behind the lumberjack’s statue (See the picture below) with a PSI blast. This will make the signboard rotate. Hit the key again to make the statue rotate. Jump to the top of the axe on the statue’s hand. Then jump to the top of the rotating signboard to get the PSI challenge marker.

PSI Challenge Marker 2/7
Use the vines to climb to the top of the tree in front of the Aquato Tent, which is near the Lumberstack diner. Jump on the bouncy plant on the platform on the tree, to reach the platform above the Aquato Tent. Walk on the rope to reach the next platform. Keep proceeding until you reach the topmost platform, where you will find the PSI challenge marker.

PSI Challenge Marker 3/7
Go inside the Aquato Tent. Then make your way to the topmost platform to get the PSI challenge marker.

PSI Challenge Marker 4/7
There is a PSI Challenge Marker in the Forgetful Forest (Marked as ‘F’ on the map). Stand in front of the entrance with the Campfire board at the top of it as shown in the picture below. Now bring out your Thought Tuner and scan the area to reveal several idea nodes. Use the mental connection to get to the platform with the PSI Challenge Marker.

PSI Challenge Marker 5/7
This one is in the Fierro’s Funicular area (Marked as area ‘B’ on the map). On reaching the Funicular you will see that it is not working, as it is missing three cogwheels. One cogwheel is right in front of the machine. One is on the right side, resting on a rock. the third cogwheel is on the left side of the rides as shown in the picture below. Use telekinesis to place the cogwheels on their slots in the machine. This will fix the Funicular. Now ride it to the top.

As you reach the top, you will see an abandoned gift shop right in the front. Climb to the top of the shop to get the PSI Challenge Marker.

PSI Challenge Marker 6/7
One PSI Challenge Marker is inside the Cave of Sassclops (Location marked as C on the map). Go inside the cave and burn the picture in front of the campfire (see the second picture below). Go inside the newly opened area and there you will find the PSI Challenge Marker at the top platform (see the third picture below)

PSI Challenge Marker 7/7
The final marker is on the treetop at Aquato Family Camp (Marked as ‘D’ on the map). Light the campfire at the center of Aquato Family Camp using Pyrokinesis. This will create an updraft.

Use levitation on the updraft to jump to the walkway near the waterwheel as shown in the picture below. At the end of this platform, you will find a bouncy plant. Use it to jump to the platform in the front.

At the end of this platform, you will find a bouncy net. use it to jump the platform above on the right side.

On this platform, you will find a steel bar. jump and grab it. It will descend to the platform below, containing the final PSI Challenge Marker.
Note: You will need to complete Search for Queepie side quest for this collectible to spawn