This guide will show you where to find all of the Collectibles in the area of “Radsvinn’s Rig” in God of War Ragnarok released on November 8th, 2022. There are 4 Collectibles in “Radsvinn’s Rig” which is part of the area of Svartalfheim.
1) Odin’s Raven
Paddle up to the island located in the midst of the Bay of Bounty. Head east, then climb the ledge. After climbing up the first wall, turn left to see the green raven sitting on a crane.

2) Radsvinn’s Mining Rig
Climb up the wooden ledge. Defeat all opponents who will try to stop you. Finally, approach the flaming furnace and cut it with your blades and toss your axe inside to freeze it.

3) Nornir Chest
The location of the Nornir chest is shown in the picture below. It is just near the mining Rig. To unlock the Nornir chest, you need to ignite the torch above three seals.

The first torch is on the left side of the chest as shown in the picture below. Press L2+R2 to ignite the torch.

After igniting the first torch, turn around and you will find the second seal in front of the mining rig. But the torch is behind some iron bars, where your blade cannot reach from the ground. To ignite the torch, climb up the platform behind the mining rig. From there, throw your axe at the explosive barrel above the torch as shown in the picture below. This will ignite the torch.

Now, go to the backside of the platform and you will see the third barrel behind some wooden barrels. Break the barrels and then ignite the third torch to unlock the chest. Open the chest to get an Idull Apple.

4) Lore (Scroll – Climbing the Ladder)
Go straight behind the mining rig to find the Lore on the ground, at the end of the area