How to get the Hidden Treasure in Nokron
This guide shows how to get Witch Ranni’s Hidden Treasure from Nokron, the Eternal City. You will get Fingerslayer Blade from the treasure chest. Nokron City will be unlocked only after you have defeated Radahn boss. Click here to see how to reach Nokron City.
After entering Nokron, jump on the roofs to reach the slanted building. Then jump on the roof ahead of it as shown in the pictures below.

Then jump on the ledge ahead and climb up the window on the left side to enter the building as shown in the picture below.

From here, jump down and proceed straight ahead to reach the Nokron Eternal City Site of Grace as shown below.

From the SIte of Grace, walk out through the door. Then go through the gate on the right side as shown in the picture below.

After walking through the gate, walk down the stairs till you reach the bottom. Then turn right and proceed ahead until you reach Mimic Tear boss lair. Defeat the boss to unlock the path to the bridge on the north side.

Go north on the bridge and exit through the gate as shown below.

After exiting through the gate, go down the path on the left side. Then follow the paved path as shown in the picture below.

Leave the paved path at the location shown below. Go left here to find the Ancestral Woods Site of Grace as shown in the pictures below.

Jump on the roof ahead of the Site of grace as. Then jump on the ledge further down below as shown in the pictures below.

Walk on the ledge to go to the west side of the building. Then jump down to the building on the right side and go right as shown in the pictures below.

After that, immediately turn left and jump down on the roof ahead. Then jump further down and take the path to the left as shown below.

Walk on the ledge ahead. Then jump down on the wall and climb up the window straight ahead as shown in the picture below.

After entering the building, jump down to the lowest level. Then go outside through the door on the right side and climb down the stairs.

After climbing down the stairs, turn right and keep moving north. Climb up the stairs at the end of the path. Enter the building ahead and open the chest to get the treasure, Fingerslayer Blade, as shown in the pictures below.