This guide shows the location of all the collectibles (1 Spartan Cores, 2 UNSC Audio Log, 2 Banished Audio Log) in the Redoubt of Sundering in the Halo Infinite campaign.
Also Read: Halo Infinite Collectibles Guide
1) Spartan Core 1/1
It is in Redoubt of Sundering at the location shown in the pictures below.

2) Banished Audio Log 1/2
This audio log is inside the building as shown in the pictures below.

3) Banished Audio Log 2/2
This audio log is inside the building as shown in the pictures below.

4) Redoubt of Sundering: UNSC Audio Log 1/2 (Escape Plan)
This audio log is inside the cave on the northeast side of Redoubt of Sundering at the location shown in the pictures below. Enter the cave and go straight ahead. You will find the audio log at the end of the cave, just before the exit point.

5) Redoubt of Sundering: UNSC Audio Log 2/2 (Last-Ditch Effort)
This audio log is on the top of the small hill north of Redoubt of Sundering at the location shown in the pictures below. After collecting the previous log, get out from the exit of the cave and go straight ahead to reach this audio log.