Rescuing Rococo Side Quest | Hogwarts Legacy
This guide shows the complete walkthrough of the Rescuing Rococo side quest in the Hogwarts Legacy game, which released on 10th February 2023. Once the quest becomes available, talk to Agnes Coffey in Bainburgh at the location shown in the pictures below to start the quest.

Find Henrietta’s Hideaway
Henrietta’s Hideaway is on the southern edge of the map as shown below. Enter the ruins and go down the stairs on the right side to enter Henrietta’s Hideaway as shown in the pictures below.

Find Rococo
After entering Henrietta’s Hideaway, turn left and light the torch in front of the statue by using the Incendio spell. This will make the statue rotate, revealing a cube. Use the Accio spell on the cube and place it on the plate in front of the wall. Now use Incendio spell on the left cube and Glacius spell on the right cube as shown in the picture below. This will reveal a door behind the cubes.

Proceed ahead to the next area and defeat all the enemies there. Then climb up the stairs on the left side. After reaching the top, go left and you will find a hallway. Use Accio to throw the torch inside the left wall in the hallway as shown in the picture below. Or else, use Arresto Momentum on the left wall and proceed ahead.

Defeat all the enemies in the next area. Then go to the right side of the area as shown in the picture below. As you approach the wall there, the wall will disappear, revealing a secret room.

Go inside the secret room. There, you will find a Musical Map for Solved by the Bell Side Quest. In this room, you will find a cube as shown in the picture below. Use Wingardium Leviosa to lift the cube. Then climb up the stairs and take the cube to the hall you came from.

In the hall, you will see another cube as shown in the picture below. Use Accio to drop the cube down. Then place both cubes on the plates in front of the wall. Place the blue cube on the blue plate and the yellow cube on the yellow plate. Then use Levioso on the blue cube and Confringo on the yellow cube as shown in the second picture below. This will reveal a door behind the cubes.

Go through the door and you will find Rococo in the next room as shown in the picture below. Use the Capture spell on Rococo to rescue it.

Return to Agnes Coffey
Go back to Agnes to complete the quest