Inside the caves and mines in the Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl (BDSP), you will find annoying little boulders blocking your path. Thankfully there is a way to break these small rocks. This guide shows how to get ‘Rock Smash’ Hidden Move and how to use it to destroy the small boulders.
Also Read: How to get all Gift Pokemons
How to get ‘Rock Smash’ Hidden Move
On your way to Oreburgh City, you will have to go through Route 203 on the northeast side of Jubilife City. At the end of Route 203, you will enter a cave (Oregurgh Gate) as shown in the picture below. Click here to see how to reach Oreburgh City.

After entering Oreburgh Gate, talk to the ranger standing right in the front as shown in the picture below. He will give you Technical Machine (TM) containing the Rock Smash Hidden Move. He will also add a ‘Hidden Moves’ app to your Poketch. To use the hidden move, you will first need the Gym Badge from Oreburgh City.

Get Oreburgh City Gym Badge
Now make your way to Oreburgh City Mine and talk to the Gym Leader Roark. Then go to Oreburgh City Grm and defeat the Gym Leader Roark to get Oreburgh City Gym Badge (Coal Badge). Check the videos below to see how to find Gym leader Roark and how to defeat him.
How to Break Rocks
Once you have taught the ‘Break Rocks’ Move to a Pokemon, you can use the move to break the small brown rocks as shown in the picture below.