Game of Temari challenges is spread across the Inazuma region. You will get the Game of Temari Challenges by talking to a little boy named Kid Kujirai. To get the challenges, you will need to complete the ‘Temaria Game’ World Quest first.
To start the Temari Challenge in Seirai Island, talk to Kid Kujirai in Koseki Village at the location as shown in the picture below. On talking to Kid Kujiria he will give you three challenges to find Temari within a time limit of thirty seconds. This article shows how to complete all three ‘Find the Temari’ challenges in Watatsumi Island. Click here to see a walkthrough of all the ‘Game of Temari’ Challenges in the Inazuma region.

Game of Temari Challenge 1
As the challenge starts, go south and jump down the underground cave. The Temari is behind some blue bushes on the upper portion of the cave as shown in the picture below.

Game of Temari Challenge 2
Jump down the same underground cave again and go to the Electrogranum plant at the location as shown in the picture below. Summon Electrogranum and then go west towards the thunder barrier as shown below. Use the Electrogranum to enter the barrier and get the Temari.

Game of Temari Challenge 3
Jump down the same underground cave. This time go to the broken ship at the bottom. You will find the Temari at a corner of the ship deck as shown below.