Request 78: Setting Up the Icepeak Camp
This guide shows the complete walkthrough of “Request 78: Setting Up the Icepeak Camp” in Pokemon Legends Arceus. For this request, you will need to find an NPC named Craig.
Also Read: Pokemon Legends Arceus – All requests
Request Description: Brice of the Supply Corps wants you to find Craig. They were to meet at the base of the falls in the Alabaster Icelands, yet he hasn’t shown…

How to start Request 78 (Setting Up the Icepeak Camp)
To start the Setting Up the Iceoeak Camp quest, talk to Brice at the location shown in the pictures below. He will ask you to look for Craig of the Construction Corps.

Where to find Craig
Craig is across the river at the northeast side of Brice’s location as shown in the pictures below. Cross the river and you will find Craig standing underneath a tree as shown in the third picture below. Talk to Craig and then report back to Brice to complete the request.