This guide shows the complete walkthrough of the ‘Shadow of the Ancients‘ Event in Genshin Impact. The event will be available from 5th November 2021 to 18th November 2021. The guide will be updated as the event progresses.
How to Unlock ‘Shadow of the Ancients’ Event
To play the event you need to be Adventure rank 30 or above. You will also need to complete Chapter 2, Act 1 The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia Archon Quests to be able to play the event.

Shadow of the Ancients Phase 1
‘Journey to Tsurumi’ World Quest
If the Event Unlock Criteria is met, a new world quest ‘Journey to Tsurumi’ will be available for you to play. this is a very simple quest with straightforward Objectives.
Talk to Katheryne: Go to Inazuma city and talk to Katheryne by following the objective marker.
Go to the designated location to investigate: Follow the objective marker and go to the southern portion of the Narukami island. Here you will have to fight and defeat a Ruin Grader.
Report Back to Katheryne: Go back to Inazuma City and talk to Katheryne
Ask Hosseini some questions: Go to Ritou and talk to Hosseini. This will complete the quest and you will receive Ayesha’s Chaos Prospector Event Gadget. Click here to see how to use Ayesha’s Chaos Prospector Event Gadget.
Investigative Surveys
Now you will need to use Ayesha’s Chaos Prospector Event Gadget to find Conduction Components in the 4 survey sites. In all the survey areas, you will find an exquisite chest, a challenge, and a conduction component. From the Exquisite chests, you will get 2x Hero’s Wits. The challenge will be inactive. Take note of the challenge location, as it will come in handy in Phase 2 of the event. Click here to see the location of conduction components.

Shadow of the Ancients Phase 2
‘Autonomous Mechanical Energy Source Preface’ World Quest
If you have completed Phase 1 of the event, this quest will be unlocked on 7th November. For the quest, go to Ritou and talk to Hosseini. This will complete the quest.
Data Sampling
For data sampling, go to the four Event Areas and complete the challenge in each area. After completing the four Data Sampling, two Special Sampling Points will also become available. Click here to see the complete walkthrough of Data Sampling.

Shadow of the Ancients Phase 3
‘Autonomous Mechanical Energy Source: Live Sample’ World Quest
If you have completed Phase 2 of the event, this quest will be unlocked on 9th November. For the quest, go to Ritou and talk to Hosseini. He will give you the objective to ‘Look for suitable spots to place the Spikes‘. After you have placed the three spikes, go back to Ritou and talk to Hosseini to complete the quest.
Live Testing
After completing ‘Autonomous Mechanical Energy Source: Live Sample‘ World Quest, the ‘Live Testing‘ challenges will be available. Go to the location where you placed the spikes and activate the challenge. For this challenge, you will have to defeat the Anomalous Model Ruin Grader.

Shadow of the Ancients: Final Event Quest
It will be unlocked on 15th November 2021