SHADOW OF THE TOMB RAIDER – Path of the Living

  • Post published:September 19, 2018
  • Post category:SOTTR

Path of the Living (Kuwaq Yaku)

Reach the Temple

Dive into the water and keep swimming to the left to reach the enemy territory. Take out the 5 guards in this area to get past the Trinity forces. Infiltrate the Porvenir Oil Camp and take out the 4 guards in this area. Move forward to the objective marker and kill the 4 guards patrolling this area. Pry open the door in this area and jump down into the Trinity excavation site. Move forward to reach the Temple. 

0:16 Reach the Temple
1:23 Get past the Trinity forces
2:25 Infiltrate the Porvenir camp
4:15 Investigate the oil well
4:53 Explore the Trinity excavation

How to Open the Temple Gate?

Temple Gate Puzzle: Rotate the stone on the right to get “Single Circle” for opening the door on the right (exposing 2 columns). Rotate the stone the left to get “Zero” for opening the door on the left (exposing 2 columns). Now, to open the main gates the trick is to match the series of stones-on-right to the right-column, and the series of stones-on-left to the left-column.

To open 1st gate: Stone on left should be rotated to get “zero”, and stone on right to “three circles”.

To open 2nd gate: Stone on left should be rotated to get “zero”, and stone on right to “line without circles”.

To open 3rd gate: Stone on left should be rotated to get “zero” (investigate the photograph to get the clue), and stone on right to “line with two circles” (Jonah will tell you this).

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