Stormveil Castle Complete Guide
This guide shows the complete walkthrough for the Stormveil castle, with all the secret areas and items that you can get there. The items that you can get here are highlighted with bold font in the article for your ease.
Stormveil Main Gate to Stormveil Cliffside
Stormveil Cliffside to Rampart Tower
Rampart Tower
Rampart Tower Secret Area
Rampart Tower Basement
Courtyard: Stonesword Key Door
Liftside Chamber
Secret Underground Sewer Area
Limgrave Tower Bridge & Stormveil Castle Main Gate
Godrick’s Boss Lair
Stormveil Main Gate to Stormveil Cliffside
As you reach the Stormveil Castle Main gate, you will have to fight Margit, the Fell Omen boss. He will drop Talisman Pouch. Before getting here, you can purchase Margit’s Shackle from Patches, which will help you in this fight. After Defeating Margit, approach the main gate.

From the main gate, climb down the stairs on the right side to get Furlcalling Finger Remedy. While climbing up the stairs, jump down on the wooden platform down below on the left side. Proceed ahead on this path to get Fire Grease and Trina’s Lily. Now go back to the main gate and go to the room on the left side.

In this room, you will find Gatekeeper Gostoc. If you request him, he will open the main gate for you. But he will advise against taking the main gate. Instead, he will suggest you go through the opening on the wall in this room.

Go through the hole on the wall and turn left to collect Golden Rune [1]. Then jump on the ledge as shown below and collect Ruin Fragment. Proceed ahead by following the path shown below to reach the broken castle wall.

Climb on the wall but don’t jump down yet. Climb further above on the wall to reach the top, where you will find Smithing Stone [2].

Then jump down the wall and go south. Jump further down the mountain and go left to find some Bolts. Then turn around and go west to find Smithing Stone [3]. From there go north to reach the Stormveil Cliffside Site of Grace.

Stormveil Cliffside to Rampart Tower
From the Stormveil Cliffside Site of Grace, Climb up the stairs. You will find Marred Leather Shield on the stairs. After climbing up, go to the end of the platform to get Golden Rune [2]. Then enter the building.

Inside the building, you will find Hookclaws at the lowest level. Then climb up the stairs and get Throwing Dagger near the locked door (Requires Rusty Key to open). Climb another flight of stairs to get Smoldering Butterfly as marked by ‘1’ below. Jump on the hole on the right side wall here (Marked by ‘2’ below) to get St. Trina’s Arrow.

Continue ahead and climb up the stairs. Jump down to get Golden Rune [2]. Now climb back up and enter the door on the right side as shown in the picture below. In this room, you will find a Rusty key on a corpse. Open the chest inside this room to get Curved Sword Talisman. Come out of the room, then turn right and jump down. Use the rusty key to open the locked door on the north side.

After opening the door, climb up the ladder inside and then turn right. Here you will find two paths, marked by ‘1’ and ‘2’ in the picture below. Proceeding straight ahead gives you Fire Grease. Jumping on the platform on the right side leads you to Brick Hammer. After collecting Brick Hammer, jump down to reach the back into the building you were in before.

Go back to the door that opened with the Rusty Key. Then climb up the ladder and go left. Climb up the stairs and collect Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot. Now go out through the door to reach the terrace. Go to the ledge next to the staircase to get Mushroom. Then climb up the stair here as shown in the picture below.

After climbing up the stairs, don’t enter the building. Jump down to the ledge on the right side down below. Then continue ahead to get Arteria Leaf. This will again lead you back to the building you were in before. Trace your path back to the terrace. Then climb up the stairs and enter the Rampart Tower.

After entering the building, you will have to fight a Knight. Defeat him and climb up the stairs to reach the upper level. On this level, you will find Drawstring Fire Grease. Enter the room on the right side at this level as shown below to find the Rampart Tower Site of Grace.

Rampart Tower
From the Rampart Tower Site of Grace, go through the door on the south side and climb up the stairs to reach the top level. Here you will find Throwing Dagger. Then proceed ahead to reach the terrace. You will find Golden Rune [2] on the terrace. Climb up the parapet wall on the east side of the terrace. Walk on the parapet wall and then jump on the ledge of the tower ahead as shown below. Move along this ledge. Then jump inside through the broken wall. Jump down to the lower level inside the tower. There you will find the Swordstone Key on a corpse.

After collecting the Swordstone Key, go out from the tower. Go straight ahead to get Dozing Cross-Legged Gesture from a corpse. Then turn around and jump on the ledge of the tower as shown below. Walk on the ledge and it will lead you to Smithing Stone [2].

Trace your way back and use the broken pillar to climb up the ledge as shown below. Walk on this ledge and it will lead to a terrace. You will see a ladder straight ahead as you step into the terrace as shown in the second picture below. Climb up the ladder to reach the top of the tower, white you will find a Claw Talisman.

Go back to the Rampart Tower Site of Grace. From there, go out through the door on the north side. Proceed straight ahead to the terrace in the north direction. If you go straight ahead, you will find a Smithing Stone [2] in the corner. If you take the stairs down, you will find a Golden Rune [2] on the roof ahead. Both the items are marked as ‘1’ and ‘2’ in the picture below. After collecting item ‘2’, turn around and jump down on the roof on the right side as shown in the second picture below. Here you will find Kukri. Jump down from the window on this roof to reach the Altar. Here you will find an NPC named Rogier. He won’t be there if you have already killed the area boss, Godrick. Rogier will sell you sorcery spells. Click here to see Rogier’s questline.

Rampart Tower Secret Area
Go back to the Rampart Tower Site of Grace. From there, go out through the door on the north side. Then proceed further north on the terrace and go left as shown in the picture below.

Stand on the parapet wall and jump down on the ledge as shown in the picture below.

Then turn right and jump on the ledge as shown below. Walk straight ahead on the ledge till you reach the edge. Then jump further down on the half-broken pillar. Here you will find a Marred Wooden Shield. From there, jump further down as shown in the picture below.

Jump down on the rock further below as shown in the picture below. This rock will collapse but don’t worry as you won’t receive any fall damage. After falling down, kill the spherical enemy there to get Ash Of War: Storm Assault.

Now go south and turn left as shown below to get Somber Smithing Stone [2]. Then go towards the door marked in the picture below and a Crucible Knight will come from there. Kill the Crucible Knight and he will drop Aspects Of The Crucible: Horns. Now go through the door and you will find Trina’s Lily behind some bushes. Then enter the building and take the elevator, which will take you back to the Rampart Tower.

Rampart Tower Basement
Go back to the Rampart Tower Site of Grace. From there, go through the door on the south side and take the elevator on the left side as shown in the picture below. It will take you to the basement.

After the elevator stops, walk out from it and you can go either right, left or straight as shown in the picture below.

Right: After getting off the elevator, go to the room on the right side. In this room, You will find Chrysalids’ Memento, which is required for Roderika’s questline. Here you will also find Lump Of Flesh and Golden Rune [1].

Left: After getting off the elevator, go to the room on the left side. In this room, You will find Somber Smithing Stone [2]. Here you will find a Stonesword Key door. Inside this room, you will get Hawk Crest Wooden Shield, Misericorde, and Iron Whetblade.

Straight: After getting off the elevator, go straight ahead to reach a big hall. here you will find Exalted Flesh, Highland Axe, and Stanching Boluses. Go through the arch on the left side at the end of the hall. Then go through the door on the left side and climb up the stairs to get Arrows.
Now go back to the hall in the basement. Then climb up two flights of stairs on the right side of the hall and enter the room ahead. Open the chest inside this room to get Mimic’s Veil. Go out from the north door of this room. Here you can follow two paths as shown in the picture below. If you go straight ahead (Path 1), then you will reach Golden Rune [2]. Continue further ahead and you will come out from the tower. If you keep going north and enter the tower straight ahead, you will reach Rogier, whose location I showed before already.

Now go to the room where you got Mimic’s Veil, and take Path 2 as marked in the picture above. Jump over the parapet wall and then go left as shown below. Here you will find Gold-Pickled Foot.

Climb up the wooden stairs ahead then go left till the end of the wooden platform.

At the end of the wooden platform, you will find a ladder as shown below. Climb up this ladder.

After climbing up the ladder, go straight ahead. Then jump down and go right to get a Stonesword Key and Pickled Turtle Neck.

Courtyard: Stonesword Key Door
From the Rampart Tower Site of Grace, go through the door on the south side and take the elevator to reach the basement. Then go through the door on the left side at the far end of the basement. This will lead you to the courtyard. Now turn left and go to the southwest corner of the courtyard. Enter the door here as shown in the picture below. Here you will find a Fireproof Dried Liver. There is also a Stonesword Key door in this room.

Inside the Stonesword Key Door, you will find Godslayer’s Seal, and Godskin Prayerbook. Then proceed straight ahead and you will find Golden Rune [4]. From there turn right as shown in the picture below. Climb up the ladder on the right side to reach the upper level.
After climbing the ladder, continue ahead and you will find some Arrows on the right side. Then turn left and climb up the ladder at the end of the path as shown below.
After climbing up the ladder, you will find Festering Bloody Finger. Now continue straight ahead and cross the wooden bridge. Then turn left and climb up the ladder to reach the upper level. Here you will find Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook [10] on a wooden platform as shown below.

Go back to the courtyard. On the courtyard compound, you will find Golden Rune [1], Magic Grease, 2x Golden Rune [2], Smoldering Butterfly, and Pike. Climb up the wooden structure on the west side of the compound to get Fire Arrows. Climb up the wooden structure on the north side of the compound to get Wooden Greatshield. Enter the room on the west side of the compound to get “Prophecy” Painting. Near the staircase on the north side of the compound, you will find some Mushrooms and on the staircase, you will get a Furlcalling Finger Remedy.

On this compound, you will also find a fallen statue. Climb up the stairs ahead of it and proceed ahead. There you will find a giant. Lure this giant near the statue and make it break the state. You will get Smithing Stone [1] from this statue.

Climb up the two flights of stairs on the north side of the compound. If you turn left here (Path 1 in the picture below) and climb another flight of stairs, then you will find a Smithing Stone [2]. If you continue straight ahead (Path 2 in the picture below), then you will reach the northside courtyard.
Inside a room on the south side of this compound, you will find an NPC named Nepeheli Loux. Click here for Nepheli’s complete questline. Outside this room, you will find Golden Rune [2]. In this compound, you will also find a Golden Seed under a glowing tree. There is a Smithing Stone [2] inside a nook on the east side of the compound as shown below. Climb up the stairs on the north side of the courtyard to reach the Secluded Cell Site of Grace,

Liftside Chamber
On the northwest side of the courtyard, you will find the Liftside Chamber Site of Grace as shown in the picture below.

Take the elevator in the Liftside Chamber to reach the upper level. Then climb down the stairs and go left to reach an open area. Here you will find a couple of Cracked Pots. Kill the spherical creature here to ger Ash Of War: Stormcaller. You will also get a few Kukri here. Go to the wall on the north side here and jump on the ledge as shown below. Walk towards right on this ledge. Then jump south to another ledge as shown in the pictures below. Now walk through the arch to reach the terrace.

On the terrace, walk straight ahead to get Lump Of Flesh. Then enter the room on the right side of the terrace as shown below.

Inside the building, climb up the stairs straight ahead and then turn right and climb another flight of stairs to reach an open area right above the open area where you were before. Here you will find Smithing Stone [2], Trina’s Lily, Golden Rune [2], and Smithing Stone [1]. Then go through the door on the western wall in this area as shown below.

Go through the corridor and you will reach a room with a few enemies. You will find Manor Towershield under the staircase in this room. Then go out through the door to reach the balcony, where you will find Smithing Stone [3]. Jump on the ledge on the left side of the balcony. From there, jump down to enter another balcony as shown below. Here you will find Golden Rune [5].

Enter the door on this balcony and go out from the other side. As you exit, you will find a few Rainbow Stones. Here, you will see a door straight ahead. Opening this door will take you back to the Liftside Chamber, creating a shortcut. Before doing that, turn right and jump on the platforms to reach the Arteria Leaf as shown in the picture below. Here you can go further down to reach the secret underground area, which I will cover in the next section.

Secret Underground Sewer Area
Go back to the Liftside Chamber Site of Grace. Then go out through the door on the east side as shown below. Now turn around and go in the west direction till you reach the edge.

On the edge, you will find Smithing Stone [1] as shown below. Jump down to the platform below. Then jump further down on a broken arch, on which you will find Smithing Stone [2]. Then make your way to the bottom level.

On the bottom level, you will find a Golden rune [2]. Then proceed ahead towards the south as shown below. Here you will find a few Posionblooms. Kill the spherical creature to get Rancorcall.

Now proceed south and jump down. A Secret Root Monster Boss will spawn here. Kill it to get a Golden Seed. You can also collect Throwing Daggers, Smoldering Butterfly, Stonesword Key, and Prince Of Death’s Pustule in this area.

In this area, you will also find some bloodstain on the ground. Interact with the bloodstain and you will see the projection of a dead body as shown below. This is a part of Rogier’s questline.

Limgrave Tower Bridge & Stormveil Castle Main Gate
Go back to the courtyard and take the path east towards the Stormveil Castle main gate as shown below.

As you are going down the ramp, you will find Golden Rune [4], and Kukri on the path. Before going through the arch, climb up the rock on the right side as shown below. Climb to the top, then jump to the east side as shown in the second picture below. From there, go east to get Trina’s Lily and go right to get Arbalest.

Now jump down and go through the arch on the south side. Here you will find two paths ahead of you as shown in the picture below.
Left: Taking the left path will take you to Limgrave Tower Bridge. Before entering the bridge, kill the beast outside to get Somber Smithing Stone [1], Beast Blood, & Old Fang. You will also find Trina’s Lily in the bushes here. Now climb up the stairs to reach the bridge, where you will find Boltdrake Talisman.
Straight: The path straight will take you to the Stormveil Castle Main Gate. Before reaching the gate, climb up the stairs on the right side to get Smithing Stone [1] and Smithing Stone [2]. In front of the main gate, you will find Ballista Bolts, Golden Rune [1], and Golden Rune [2]. Now go to the room next to the gate. Here you will find a lever that opens the main gate. In this room, you will also find Golden Rune [5], and Commoner’s Simple Garb.

Godrick’s Boss Lair
Go to the Secluded Cell Site of Grace. If you haven’t been there yet, make your way through the courtyard to reach there. From there, go north to reach Godrick’s lair. Defeat Godrick to get Godrick’s Great Rune & Remembrance Of The Grafted. Click here to see how to restore Godrick’s Great Rune.

After defeating Godrick, go straight and enter the throne room. From there, go down through the left door and go down the stairs. Then drop down to the lower floor from the left side. Here you will find a Shabriri Grape as shown in the second picture below. SHabriri Grape is required for Hyetta’s questline. This completes all the items that you can get in Stormveil Castle.