This guide shows where to find all Luxurious Chest in Sumeru Desert of the game Genshin Impact 3.1, released on 28th September 2022. There are 12 Luxurious Chests in the game.
#1 The Mausoleum of King Deshret Luxurious Chest
You need all 5 Glinting Components to open the door of the room containing the Luxurious Chest.
Also Read:
ALL 5 Glinting Component Locations
After collecting all 5 Glinting Components, teleport to The Mausoleum’s lower left waypoint.

Continue forward until you reach a cave with a torch outside.

Using the Plinth, open the door.

After entering the room, take the path on the left that leads you to the door for the Glinting Components.

Use Glinting Components to open the door.

Luxurious Chest Location

#2 Valley of Dahri Luxurious Chest Location I
Head to the marked location in the Valley of Dahri.

Interact with the mechanism. You need a password to enter the ruin.

Stay away from the Male enemy.

Follow the female enemy quietly.

You will hear the password from Patrolling Mercenary. Then head back to the ruin.

Enter the password.

Head inside the ruin.

Follow the path

Release three Seelies from the cage and follow them to settle.

Unlock the luxurious chest after all three Seelies settle at their resting place.

#3 Valley of Dahri Luxurious Chest Location II
This chest is available after completing the world quest – Afratu’s Dilemma
In this quest, Afruta (NPC) informs you about a huge machine (Robot) and an ancient ruin golem that has been active in the area and attacked with beam weaponry. These powerful beams can destroy loose rocks.
You have to enter the robot and switch off autonomous attacking. After this start the machine and aim the powerful beams to destroy the rocks in the mountain ahead.

The position where you have to shoot will be glowing on the screen. This will open a secret tunnel path.

Head inside the tunnel and solve all the time base challenges to unlock the totems.

Finally activate the totems to unlock the luxurious chest.

#4 Invisible Floor Luxurious Chest Location
Head to the teleport waypoint north of The Mausoleum of King Deshret, as marked on the map.

Ride up the wind current to find an invisible wall.

Continue to walk on the invisible floor.

Collect the loot from the luxurious chest award.

#5 Sekhem Hall Luxurious Chest
Teleport to The Mausoleum’s lower right waypoint. Release the Primal Embers and follow it until you reach the area’s very bottom, which is filled with water.
Note: Complete Golden Slumber questline. This will trigger another quest “Dual Evidence”, in this quest you will reach this location.

#1 Primal Embers
Release the Primal Embers and glide down to the left side.

Release the Primal Embers one more time at the bottom and begin moving both cells to the far end of the room. This will cause the water level to drop.

Follow the Primal Embers to make till it rests on the pillar.

#2 Primal Embers
Next, move the extreme end cell back where you break the boxes earlier) to its position to start the wind current and make the four-leg Seelie to appears.

Complete the challenge to unlock the Primal Embers.

Follow the Primal Embers to its resting pillar.

This will unlock the luxurious chest.

#6 Khaj-Nisut Luxurious Chest
Assuming you have already completed the Golden Slumber questline. Return back to the Khaj-Nisut and enter the ruin.

A player now needs to Khaj-Nisut’s upper floor. To get to the higher level, use the large fan on the northern side to reach Khaj-Nisut Puzzle area.

How to operate Prism of Khaj-Nisut Puzzle
Basically, the puzzle works based on the color of “Prism of Khaj-Nisut”. If the “Prism of Khaj-Nisut” is red, then it will move to the nearby red platform. If the color is blue, then it will move to the nearby blue platform.

Go to the Prism of Khaj-Nisut in the middle platform and do the following in order: Initially, the prism will be red color.
- Operate – to move the red platform
- Switch – turn to blue color
- Operate – to move the blue platform
- Operate – to move the blue platform

Use the Four-Leaf Sigil and activate the switch to the elevator. This will bring the elevator down.

Go to the upper floor and Approach the throne
Go to the other side of the big room and use the elevator to ride to the upper level. Approach the throne and find the luxurious chest.

#7 Duat Hall Luxurious Chest
There are two Luxurious Chests at Duat Hall in the game Genshin Impact 3.1, released on 28th September 2022.
You can enter Duat Hall while doing the world quest – Dual Evidence. In this quest, you need to reach the underground area of “The Dune of Magma”.
Also Read: How to enter The Dune of Magma
After entering the underground area of The Dune of Magma, continue your journey to activate two teleport waypoints, mentioned on the map below, or go to the teleport waypoint and enter Duat Hall.

Glide down to the right.

Enter the door and follow the corridor.

Get down the stairs and go right.

Enter the room to find the luxurious chest.

#8 Duat Hall Luxurious Chest
From Duat Hall, drop down and turn back to find a Seelie.

Follow the Seelie and land on an invisible surface.

Follow the Seelie till it disappears into the wall. Wall toward the marked location to spawn the Chest.

#9 Abdju Pit Luxurious Chest
Teleport to the marked location and enter the Ruin.

Continue to follow the ruin until you reach a bigger room with two dog statues. Use the Elevator at the back to go up.

Pass through the door near-cube mechanism.

Activate the lift by using the book and switch. Ride up again.

Ride the elevator again to the next room.

Release and follow the Primal Ember until it rests on a pillar.

Enter the adjacent room to release and follow the Primal Ember

The luxurious chest will get unlocked once both the Primal Ember rests on pillars.

#10 Luxurious Chest on Top of The Mausoleum Of King Deshret
After entering the underground area of The Dune of Magma, continue your journey to activate two teleport waypoints, mentioned on the map below. You can reach “Top of The Mausoleum Of King Deshret” by entering The Dune of Magma to reach Duat Hall then pass the gap to reach Top of The Mausoleum Of King Deshret.
Also Read: How to enter The Dune of Magma

Move the cells located in the south, north, and east locations. Locations are marked below.

Flip the sandglass to make the four-leg Seelie appears.

Go to the top platform.

Rotate the cell on the top platform to release beam in west direction.

Switch the prism from red to blue color on top platform.

Some of the platforms close to the edge of the puzzle area will stop moving as you change the prism on the top platform from red to blue.
The beams will be blocked by the now immobile platforms, and you’ll have to step on them in order for them to disappear.

Go to the bottom platform. To finish the puzzle, rotate the cell on the bottom platform such that it also touches the western edge.

After doing all of this a luxurious chest will appear.

#11 Luxurious Chest at Sumeru Desert Shrines Of Depths
This is located at Sumeru Desert Shrines Of Depths. Located southeast of Sobek Oasis.

#12 Luxurious Chest at Sumeru Desert Shrines Of Depths
This is located at Sumeru Desert Shrines Of Depths. Head to the teleport waypoint khemenu Temple marked on map.

Enter the ruin and take the left door of first room.

Drop down near the book.

Head left near the big fan

Drop down to the bottom at the broken bridge.

Follow the tunnel till you reach a larger area.

The luxurious chest is at Sumeru Desert Shrines Of Depths.