The Forge Odin’s Raven Locations | God of War Ragnarok

This guide will show you where to find all of the “Odin’s Raven” in the “The Forge” area in God of War Ragnarok, released on November 8th, 2022. There are 2 Odin’s Ravens in The Forge which is part of the area of Svartalfheim.

You need a Spear to reach this location. The Spear weapon can be obtained by completing Main Mission 10: Forging Destiny. It is recommended to visit the area after completing the main story to find all collectibles.

Also Read: The Forge: All Collectible Locations | God of War Ragnarok

1) Odin’s Raven

Head to the Mystic Gateway in the Aurvangar Wetlands.

Take up the little train and it leads to the Forge area.

After the train ride, walk along the wooden ramp to find the raven flying up in the sky.

2) Odin’s Raven

Take the first exit on the right as you walk on the wooden ramp.

Exit the area by squeezing through the hole at the end of the area to find Yggdrasil Rifts. Yggdrasil Rifts is available after completing the main story.

Squeeze through the rocks at the right end of the Yggdrasil Rifts.

Follow the path on the right and climb up the first ledge on the right side.

This will take you to a giant door with lore ( blue letters ) on the wooden wall.

Go through the wooden gate to will reach an area with a giant lift and use it to cross the mountain.

Enter the cave and exit on the opposite side to locate the raven sitting on the mountain’s left wall.

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