This guide will show you where to find all of the Collectibles in the area of “The Watchtower” in God of War Ragnarok released on November 8th, 2022. There are 2 Collectibles in “The Watchtower” which is part of the area of Svartalfheim.
Also Read:
The Watchtower: All Collectible Locations
How to get the Watchtower Key
Where to Find Odin’s Raven in The Watchtower

Paddle up to the boat dock called ‘The Watchtower’ on the map, as marked on the map. You can reach this location from Radsvinn’s Rig region.

On the beach, you will find a blacksmith’s shop, from here go up the short path on the right. In the end, destroy the red burning vase with your axe to clear the rubble.

Climb up the ledge to reach The Watchtower. Go behind the tower to find a Draugr Hole also.
Odin’s Raven Location
You can find an Odin’s Raven circles around The Watchtower (same area where you find a Draugr Hole)
Turn towards the path you came from, look up in the sky between two trees, and wait until the raven flies. Pay attention to the rusty screaming sound it creates. Throw your levitated axe to hit the Odin’s Raven as it flies by.