This guide shows how to complete the Theater Mechanicus: Whither the Wind Wends in Genshin Impact. Theater Mechanicus makes its return as part of the Hues of the Violet Garden event.
How to Unlock Theater Mechanicus
To unlock Theater Mechanicus, you must be Adventure Rank 30 or above and must have completed the “True Tales of the Violet Garden: Act II – What the Blue Flowers Left Behind” Event Quest.
How to Play Theater Mechanicus
Theater Mechanicus is a tower defense mini-game in which you must stop enemies from escaping by using Mechanici and Elemental reactions. Read the Below article for the basic setup.
Read: Theater Mechanicus: Stage of Brilliance Event Guide
Theater Mechanicus: Whither the Wind Wends
We will start off by looking at the “Whither the Wind Wends” stage layout page.
- You can obtain Veneficus Points when defeating opponents by dropping them. Veneficus Points when defeating opponents by dropping them from the bridge or pushing them off the edge.
- The Mechanici that a player can build is limited to the following towers: 4 Infernos, 5 Dust Devils, 4 Furious Discharges, and 5 Banishments.

Recommended characters
For this, you can bring any character. Since the difficulty of the first stage is pretty basic. Towers will be enough to absolutely eliminate your opponents
Show of Force Walkthrough
The first difficulty is called Show of Force, which includes two portals, two bridges, and several spots to place towers. Since each stage has a point limit, you can only carry a certain number of sticks. It is recommended that the sticks be chosen based on a stage feature. Below are the two Mystic Stick that can be selected.
For Example
Mystic Stick: Falling – Earn more points by dropping the opponent.
Mystic Stick: Continuation – Earn Veneficus point obtain is increased by 100% when you kill opponents by dropping the opponent.

Refer to the below image for the Fortune Sticks and Mystic Sticks that are selected for this guide picked. Finally, set up your team, which is a standard Party menu where you can switch characters.

For Show of Force, our main strategy is going to be waiting upstairs and open the two bridges to make the enemies fall down. We will wait for the tougher enemies to appear in the upper section like Ruin Guards and make them fall down the bridge. In the lower section, we can construct more DPS towers for all the mob clusters.

Mechanicus Placement – Construction
When you enter the stage you’ll find several Pyro, Anemo, and Banishment towers that are already up and running. You can dismantle, change or remove the towers. There will be a 10-minute timer to set up your towers and plan your strategy. The stage has bridges and several spots where you can place towers.

Go to the bottom floor and construct an Anemo Dust Devil tower in the second column in the third / bottom row and then rotate it to face the purple portal. Next, construct a Pyro Inferno tower immediately right of the previous tower.

Construct, two Electro Furious Discharge towers in the middle column and a Pyro Inferno Tower in the top column

Construct, two Anemo Dust Devil towers in the column behind the energy shield.

Construct a Banishment shield in the right column immediately in front of the energy shield.

Upstairs you can either remove two Pyro Inferno towers or can leave. And, also place Pyro Inferno tower in nearby slots if you want.
As per the strategy, we are going to stay upstairs and open the two bridges to make the enemies fall down, so it doesn’t matter if you put any tower or not in the upper section.

Enter the Horde
In Similar way you can construct both floors of Enter the Horde. Refer to below image.
- You can obtain a huge number of Veneficus Points when defeating opponents by dropping them.
- The Mechanici you may build and their numerical limits are as follows: 3 Pyro Infernos, 5 Anemo Devils, 3 Electro Furious Discharges, 5 Banishments Shield.
- Increases opponents’ HP, decreases initial Veneficus Points, and increases the number of points you can use to select sticks.
Here you will be able to equip 9 Wonderous Sticks that is equal to 180 Veneficus points.

When you have enough points one Banishment shield and Anemo Devils in the lower floor to stop leaks.

Switch between the two bridges to accommodate the cooldown that happens between the two bridges. To delay the enemy construct a Banishment Shield. It will stop the enemies for two times, before they can pass through the shield.